
2018年05月01日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中



  本次比赛共有7位指环王者候选人,为了让演讲更生动,内容更丰富每个选手都配有一位外籍教师进行指导另外为了给主持人,选手以及表演嘉宾提供一个熟悉舞台,提升自己能力的机会AngieGail老师对本次活动进行了多次彩排。本次比赛出场顺序由选手们抽签决定,抽签结果有纪检部公证有效。评审团由9位中外老师组成,他们是: Mylen, Abner, Darryl, Natalie, Benjie, Myty, Gail, Echo, Nico。在经历一周的充足准备下,候选人们都信心满满,用激情感染了现场。在比赛过程中,10年级的时点和曹钦竑带来的离人愁。美妙的歌声和优美的舞姿相结合,实在令人印象深刻。12年级徐可和周勃演唱的歌曲Diamond。以及Nico和Matthew的Perfect。两首动听的歌曲让台下观众赞叹连连。

  经过激烈角逐后,来自11A的韩一赫成功拿下冠军,赢得指环。11A 的王源和10B的李冠原分数相同并列第二11A的段博誉夺得第三。恭喜获奖同学,也祝贺大家圆满完成演讲,只要努力了就都是王者! 赛后Selene老师总结了本次活动,希望同学们能在活动中完善自己不足,使自身能力达到提升。也宣告了正式放假这一好消息。于此同时,要感谢活动创始人May和Sophie的出彩点子, 策划人Angie的精心传承,Gail老师帮助彩排的辛勤付出。感谢给国际部学生一个展示自我的平台,望明年选手们再接再厉,拿下指环。

Changchun Experimental High School International division held Lord of The Ring Speech Contest on April 28. We had passionate opening introduction from the hosts and we had video that was made from IT Department. This activity has invited the Chinese teachers and high school students parents as a guest.

Seven candidates were participated, each candidate has a foreign teacher to help practice, make the speech more vivid. In addition, Angie is responsible for this activity, she had rehearsal 2 times a week, 3 hours each time. At the same time, Teacher Gail also helped the students.

The purpose of the teachers is to let hosts and candidates to feel a familiar stage, and give the opportunity to improve their abilities. The order is determined by the candidates’ draw, the result is effective according to the Discipline Inspection Department. The jury is composed of nine Chinese and foreign teachers, they are: Mylen, Abner, Darryl, Natalie, Benjie, Myty, Gail, Echo, and Nico.

After a week of well prepared, the candidates are confident. During the competition , there are three performances for the audience to enjoy. The first performance for the grade 10, Lirenchou by Kitty and Alex. A wonderful song and beautiful dance, the combination is really impressive.

Next is the grade 12Diamond sang by Coco and Zhou Bo. And last, Perfect from Nico and Mathew.

After the competition, Astrid from 11A won the ring. The second are: Peeta from 11A and Harvey from 10B. Benny from 11A won the third. Congratulations to the award-winning students, also congratulations to those who accomplished speech. Selene summed up the event after the game, I hope the students can improve their deficiencies in the activity. At the same time, thanks to May and Sophie's brilliant idea, Angie carefully inherited this idea , Gail  helped to run the  rehearsal of the hard work. Thanks to International Division to give student a stage to express themselves, hope candidates continue their hard work next year.








Coco & Wendy演出








审核:Selene& Angie

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