
2018年04月26日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

在地球日到来之际,长春市实验中学国际部于23日开展了植树活动。中午,伴着和煦的阳光,6个班的同学在国际部的空地上进行植树活动。 看着一棵棵还不算粗壮的树苗,同学们已是斗志满满,希望用自己的双手,打造一片喜人的绿茵。

On Earth Day, the International Division of Changchun Experimental High School launched tree-planting activities on the 23rd. At noon, In the warm sunshine, students of six classes in the International Division took part in tree-planting activities in the open air. Looking at the trees which are not stout sapling, students harbor fighting spirit in the hope of creating a pleasant green by their own hands.


In the process of tree planting, our shoes were covered with dirt, and the wind sometimes drove the dust, but this did not dampen the students' interest in toiling. The little saplings returned to the soil, and the students then watered them. They watched the trees planted by themselves, let their thoughts drift, and imagined that the saplings would blossom and bear fruit in the near future.



After the tree planting , each class put up a sign with the student's signature on the tree. At the same time, the students buried their wish under the tree and made a time capsule. Ten years later, the students gathered together and see if the wish they had made had come true.


Every year in the future, the Division of International will organize tree planting activities and turn the vacant land of the International Department into a forest of students.


This activity has further enhanced the students' environmental awareness, ecological awareness, but also let students experience the joy of labor in practice. Let the master consciousness, the spirit of protecting the ecological environment deeply planted in the hearts of everyone.





World Earth Day is a worldwide environmental protection activity. The 63rd United Nations General Assembly Resolution in 2009 designated April 22 as "Earth Day" every year. The campaign was first launched in 1970 in the United States by Gallod Nielsen and Dennis Hayes, and has since become more influential. The purpose of the activities is to arouse the awareness of human beings to care for the earth, to protect their homes, to promote the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection, and to improve the overall environment of the earth. Since the 1990s, China has held Earth Day every year on April 22.

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