
2014年12月19日 伦敦帮帮帮


1. Name: Alyssa Smith

Company: Alyssa Smith Jewellery

Age: 25

Web: www.alyssasmith.co.uk

Alyssa Smith’s eponymous jewellery business is proving that following your passion can be both lucrative and rewarding

Alyssa 2010年的时候创立了这家公司,虽然没有经过专业的培训,但是他的每个作品都会是热销款。这名爆款小天后公司每年的流水已经到达20万英镑。但是成功的背后也要付出超过常人的努力。“如果这是一件简单的事,我建议大家都来试一试。Meanwhile, she is


2. Name: Ben Atkinson-Willes

Company: Active Minds

Age: 24

Website: www.active-minds.co.uk

A social enterprise based on mental agility products for dementia sufferers is displaying the potential of founder Ben Atkinson-Willes

Ben的爷爷是一个老年痴呆患者,这激发了他创业做健脑游戏的开发的信心。他网罗世界上所有有意思的游戏,制作成产品卖给各大医疗机构,他的公司客户包括,NHS, BUPA

3. Name: Carly Ward

Age: 22

Company: Young Entrepreneur Society

Website: www.yes-educationuk.com

Carly Ward’s business, the Young Entrepreneur Society, helps young people to go it alone

这个姑娘建立了一个组织叫YES, 青年企业家协会,工作并致力于帮助青年人创业,教育员工。可是小编最近看到一个山寨YES,国人搞得,超级疑惑咱们是不是交了入会费给人家!

4. Names: Christopher Baker-Brian (left), Mansoor Mohammed Hamayun (right), and Laurent Van Houke

Company: BBOXX

Ages: 24, 22 and 23

Website: www.bboxx.co.uk

BBOXX is providing people across Africa with reliable electricity from solar power. Expect big things


5. Name: Jayesh Hirani

Company: Safer Minicabs

Age: 25

Website: www.saferminicabs.com

Safer Minicabs could transform the way we all order taxis, making it safer, cheaper and easier


6. Name: Lizzie Fane

Company: ThirdYearAbroad

Age: 25

Website: www.thirdyearabroad.com

Spotting an opportunity at university, and having the commitment and talent to see it through, is making Lizzie Fane a name to remember


7. Name: Louis Barnett

Company: Chokolit

Age: 20

Website: www.chokolit.co.uk

The young chocolatier, who was the youngest ever supplier at Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Selfridges, has big ambitions for Chokolit

把你的产品放到大型超市去卖对一般人说真的是一个挑战。可是这小哥13岁的时候Louis成了Waitrose最年轻的供应商,14Sainsbury , 15Selfbridge. Louis巧克力天才,人生最大的爱好就是制作巧克力, 谁说会做巧克力的厨子不是好老板。

8. Name: Nick D’Aloisio

Company: Summly 
Age: 16

Website: www.summly.com

App developer Nick D’Aloisio has come to the attention of the world’s wealthiest, and he’s only 16

智能手机快速发展的今天,无数人靠着制作APP发家致富,可是Nick只有16岁,16岁的时候他在做作业找资料很难他做了一个APPSumly是把网页信息转码生成bullet point展示出来。后来一个香港土豪给他投资了25万美元开始做生意,于是现在他是appstore的绝对热门。他还做了别的几个appSong StumblrFacemood.

9. Name: Oliver Morgan

Company: Universal fuels

Age: 20

Website: www.universalfuels.co.uk

Having raised £200,000 for his oil supply business Universal Fuels, 20-year-old Oliver Morgan has big ambitions


10. Name: Suleman Sacranie

Company: 99pwholesaler.com

Age: 22

Web: www.99pwholesaler.com

The Midlands Young Entrepreneur of the Year has struck gold with a business set to revolutionise the wholesale sector


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