
2015年01月14日 新西兰艾斯柏林奥克兰分校



Take care – In the right instances, especially for personal emails, this works.

Take care – 在适合的情况下,尤其是私人邮件,这个很有用

Thanks - Lett says this is a no-no. “This is not a closing. It’s a thank-you,” she insists. I disagree. Forbes Leadership editor Fred Allen uses it regularly and I think it’s an appropriate, warm thing to say. I use it too.

Thanks - Lett说这个禁用。他认为这不是结尾而是感谢。我不同意。福布斯编辑领导 Fred Allen经常用这个,我认为它是一个合适的、暖心的词。我也用

Thanks so much – I also like this and use it, especially when someone—a colleague, a source, someone with whom I have a business relationship—has put time and effort into a task or email.

Thanks so much – 我也喜欢这个,并会用这个,尤其是当某人同事,人脉资源,跟我有业务关系的人花时间和精力完成任务和邮件时,我会用这个

Thanks! – This rubs me the wrong way because I used to have a boss who ended every email this way. She was usually asking me to perform a task and it made her sign-off seem more like a stern order, with a forced note of appreciation, than a genuine expression of gratitude. But in the right context, it can be fine.

Thanks! – 这个很让我恼火,因为我曾经有个老板每封邮件都用这个结尾。他经常让我完成一个任务,带着勉强感谢的符号,这让他的结尾看起来像是一个严厉的命令,而不是真诚地表达致谢。但是在合适的语境中,它也适用

Thank you – More formal than “Thanks.” I use this sometimes.

Thank you – “Thanks”更加正式。我有时用这个

Thank you! – This doesn’t have the same grating quality as “Thanks!” The added “you” softens it.

Thank you! – 这个不会像“Thanks”那么让人不悦!多余的“you”使它变得缓和

Many thanks – I use this a lot, when I genuinely appreciate the effort the recipient hasunder taken.

Many thanks – 当我真诚的感谢收件人所付出的努力时,我常常用这个

Thanks for your consideration. – A tad stilted with a note of servility, this can work in the business context, though it’s almost asking for a rejection. Steer clear of this when writing a note related to seeking employment.

Thanks for your consideration – 有点生硬带点屈从,尽管它几乎是寻求排斥,但是在商业邮件中它很有用。当你写就业相关的邮件时,避免使用它

Thx – I predict this will gain in popularity as our emails become more like texts. Lett would not approve.

Thx – 随着我们的邮件变得更像文本,我猜想这个会获得欢迎。Lett 可能不会赞同。

Hope this helps – I like this in an email where you are trying to help the recipient.

Hope this helps –在试图帮助收件人的邮件中我喜欢这个

Looking forward – I use this too. I think it’s gracious and warm, and shows you are eager to meet with the recipient.

Looking forward – 我也用这个。我认为它很亲切、暖心,并且显得你很渴望见到收件人

Rushing – This works when you really are rushing. It expresses humility and regard for the recipient.

Rushing – 当你赶时间时这个很有用。它表达了你的谦卑和对收件人的尊重

In haste – Also good when you don’t have time to proof read.

In haste – 当你没有时间校对时用这个也蛮好

Be well – Some people find this grating. Not appropriate for a business email.

Be well – 有些人认为这个很好。在商业邮件中不合适

Peace – Retro, this sign-off wears its politics on its sleeve. It doesn’t bother me but others might recoil.

Peace –很复古,这个结尾具有政治色彩。它不会干扰到我,但是可能会让其他人畏缩畏惧

Yours Truly – I don’t like this. It makes me feel like I’m ten years old and getting a note from a penpal in Sweden.

Yours Truly – 我不喜欢这个。它让我有种我十岁从瑞典笔友那里收到一封信的感觉

Yours – Same problemas above.

Yours –和上面那个问题一样

Very Truly Yours –Lett likes this for business emails but I find it stilted and it has the penpal problem.

Very Truly Yours –Lett喜欢在商业邮件中用这个,但是我认为这个不自然,有从笔友那收到来信的感觉的问题

Sincerely – Lett also likes this but to me, it signals that the writer is stuck in the past. Maybe OK for some formal business correspondence, like from the lawyer handling your dead mother’s estate.

Sincerely – Lett 也喜欢这个,但是对于我来说,这表明作者停留在过去。也许对于一些正式的商业通信是OK的,例如来自处理你去世的母亲的遗产的律师信函

Sincerely Yours – Same problem as “Sincerely,” but hokier. Lett likes this for business correspondence. I don’t.

Sincerely Yours – “Sincerely”问题一样,但是有些做作。Lett 喜欢在商业通信中用这个。我不喜欢

Cheers! – I wonder how prevalent this is in the UK. I’ve only seen it from Americans who are trying for a British affectation. I know it shouldn’t grate on me but it does. I also don’t like people telling me to cheer up.

Cheers! –我好奇这个在英国怎么这么流行。我很少在试图模仿英国人的美国人的邮件中看到这个。我知道这个不该激怒我,但是它确实会。我也不喜欢别人告诉我cheer up

Ciao – Pretentious for an English-speaker, though I can see using it in a personal, playful email.

Ciao – 尽管我会在一些个人邮件,闹着玩的邮件中看到它,但是听起来让人感觉母语是英语的人相当狂妄


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