【一语 学英语】失去希望,是因为自己放弃了希望 → abandon 的用法

2015年10月30日 UKEC海外区


1. 动词 abandon 表示“放弃、抛弃、遗弃”,是一个及物动词。例如:

He decided to abandon the plan.

The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion.

2. 作为名词时,可以表示“放任,放纵”,例如:

Their permissiveness toward their children reflects the wild abandon of their own lives.

3. abandon sth for sth 指的是主动地为某物而放弃另一物,abandon sth to sth 则通常指被动地放弃某物而使其被另一物取得。例如 abandon a city to invaders 指的是“放弃城市,任入侵者占领”;abandon oneself to despair意思是“自暴自弃”。再例如:

误:In his early days he abandoned medicine to literature.

正:In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature.

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