
2016年02月04日 美国驻华大使馆


#2016逛美国# 本周旅游提示:美国一般公路,除非在城市里开,不然根本没路灯,只有一些大路口才给你支两盏灯。所以开车开远光很重要。但是如果你前方有同方向行驶的车辆时,大概半英里(约807米)内你必须转成近光灯,反方向的也一样——会车前半英里转换回近光灯。


#Traveling Around the U.S.– Travel Tip of the Week:

Unless you’re in the city very few road roads will be lighted. In some places, only a few intersections will have stoplights. So It’s important that you use your headlights. However, if you see oncoming traffic, when the cars are within half a mile in front of you then you should turn off your high beams.  Similarly, if there is a car driving in front of you in the same direction you should turn off your high beams if they are within half a mile.

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