
2018年05月04日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


The Changchun Experimental High School International Division devotes itself to the cultivation of students' quality, pays attention to the shaping of students' values and outlook on life, Against the background of Earth Day in April and in order to make students cherish the resources around them, the theme of moral education in the 11th grade of this month is "cherish".


Treasure can be interpreted as punctuality, urging people to do things in time, to love in time, to be grateful in time, to live in time, to cherish forever and happiness, and to be content with each other, so as to stay away from regret and greed.


At the class meeting, all the students interpret treasure with their own understanding. From the perspective of cherishing the present living environment, time, and also people around them, the students carried out this class meeting activity. Through sharing some experience from poor mountain students l, we can deeply feel how superior their learning conditions are now.




在班委的策划下以Cherish what we have为主题,首先呼吁大家珍惜环境,为同学们普及了联合国17个可持续发展战略相关内容,然后回忆了班级一起走过的点滴,细数了一下在学校与同学们相处的时间,大家发现我们已经不知不觉走过了将近三分之二的时光,我们生活在同一个屋檐下,一起学习一起生活,如同亲人,愿大家珍惜批次同窗之情和老师的付出。11A通过一个《时间都去哪了》的沙画视频,孩子们意识到了父母的爱,大家开始的时候都在讨论不愿意与父母在一起相处,但慢慢的在讨论之中也意识到自己陪在父母身边的时间也逐渐的在变少,也很感慨自己原来为父母做的太少。11B准备了一个特殊的环节,在班主任帮助下秘密联系了学生父母写了一封只给学生的信,在班会上发给同学们,通过书信的方式将父母平时对孩子不常说的话表达出来。这样最原始的交流方式,反而更让同学们静静地阅读、品味,拉近了亲情关系,同学们看了信之后有的微笑,有的落泪,相信他们都明白了父母的良苦用心。

Under the plan of Cherish What We Have as the theme of the class committee, we first appeal to everyone to cherish the environment, popularize the 17 United Nations sustainable development strategies, and then recall the past of the class together. Nearly 2/3 of the time, we live in the same dorm, learn in the same classroom, like a family, I wish you to cherish the friendship and teachers dedication. To class11A through a song named  where have all the time been and the sand painting video, children are aware of the parents." Love, everyone at the beginning of the discussion is not willing to spend time with their parents, but slowly in the discussion, they also realized that their time with their parents is also gradually becoming less, I also felt very sorry that I have not done anything to my parents. With the help of the head teacher, I secretly contacted the parents of the students and wrote a letter to the students. Express by letter what parents don't usually say to their children. So the most primitive way of communication, on the contrary, is to let the students quietly read, taste, close the relationship, students read the letters with some smile, some tears.I believe they understand the good intentions of their parents.



人生就像赛跑,需要爸爸妈妈的能量支持,需要老师教育我们技能,需要朋友帮我们打气鼓舞,也需要我们坚强的跑下去…… 每一个转弯,让我们看到了前方的终点离我们越来越近了!成功近在咫尺了……

Life is like a race that needs the energy of Mom and Dad, the skills of our teachers, the encouragement of our friends, and the strength of our running. Every turn, let us see the end of the front is getting closer and closer to us! Success is within reach.


Many things around us are worth cherishing. How time flies! we should think about everything we do every day, do not let the future leave a trace of regret!




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