
2018年05月11日 美国驻华大使馆

#亚太裔传统月#在漫画作家基思•周(Keith Chow)看来,超级英雄漫画让亚裔美国艺术家有机会“从许多方面阐释亚裔美国人的经历”。2009年,他与人合编了一部名为“秘密身份”的亚裔美国超级英雄集,三年后又有了第二部“破碎”。 这些选集汇集了来自亚裔美国人的顶尖作家、艺术家和专业漫画人的故事,这些人专注于创作代表他们以及他们经历的超级英雄。有关漫画中体现的美国多样性请见:https://go.usa.gov/xQReV 

Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month - Keith Chow

Per comic book author Keith Chow, superhero comics have allowed Asian American artists an opportunity “to illuminate the many facets of the Asian-American experience.” In 2009, he co-edited an Asian American superhero anthology called Secret Identities, and three years later, a second volume, Shattered. These anthologies have put together stories from top Asian American writers, artists, and comics professionals centered on superheroes who represent them and their experiences. For more information on American diversity represented in comic books, click here: https://share.america.gov/evildoers-beware-new-american-superheroes-enter-fray/ 

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