美国驻广州总领事馆活动:美国志愿者Peace Corps:在海外服务美国人的故事

2018年12月01日 美国驻华大使馆


Time: 2:30-4:00pm, December 6


Venue: American Center, the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou (VIP Entrance)


Peace Corps: Stories of Americans Serving Overseas 


For nearly six decades, the U.S. Peace Corps has partnered with communities across the globe in 141 countries to help address pressing challenges. More than 230,000 Americans have served as volunteers for this two-year program. They learn local languages, assist with important projects, and actively participate in cultural exchange in their host countries. They often volunteer as teachers, health workers, or environmental workers. Come and learn about the history, work, and service of Peace Corps Volunteers.

近60年来, 美国和平队与全球141个国家的社区合作来帮助应对紧迫的挑战。超过230,000 美国人在这个为期两年的项目中担任志愿者。他们学习当地语言,协助重要项目, 并积极参与东道国的文化交流。他们经常自愿担任教师、健康工作者或环境工作者。欢迎来和我们一起了解和平队志愿者的历史、工作和服务。



In accordance with new security regulations, any individual who is visiting the U.S. Embassy or Consulates General in China is not permitted to bring a laptop into the Embassy or Consulate General. Individuals, who attend our public events, should be prepared to adhere to this requirement by not bringing a laptop with them. Please note, the Consulate General security guards will not store the items for you. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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