美国军事掠影 (6): 感恩节快乐

2018年11月22日 美国驻华大使馆

一名女孩在日本岩国(Iwakuni)海军陆战队空军基地(Marine Corps Air Station )与家人在一起。摄于2017年11月28日。(U.S. Marine Corps/Corporal Joseph Abrego)


美国副总统彭斯(Pence)在成功地对印度-太平洋(Indo-Pacific)地区进行访问后,11月18日在回国途中与妻子卡伦(Karen)在关岛(Guam)安德森空军基地(Andersen Air Force Base)停留,向全体军人表示感谢。他对军人和军人家属发表感恩节讲话说,“美国人民对我们军队的男女将士表示高度崇敬,对与他们一起为国效力的家人表示感谢。”他强调,美国军人及其家属每日每时都以牺牲的精神从事维护自由的事业,时刻面临各种挑战。

Happy Thanksgiving

“The American people admire the men and women of our military and admire the families that serve alongside them,” Vice President Pence said in a Thanksgiving message delivered November 18 to an audience of military personnel and families at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Before returning from a successful visit to the Indo-Pacific region, he stopped to pay tribute to all members of the military, alongside his wife, Karen, and acknowledged the challenges faced by those in uniform as well as their families who sacrifice and “stand for freedom every day.”

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