Retell Lecture新题解析 —— Sugar

2018年11月25日 7PLUS英语

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近期,听力成了大家7炸8炸路上的路虎。通分析他的复情况以及考上的反,我难发现,大部分的同学在Retell Lecture型上存在着这样或那问题,更有些同学于Retell Lecture型甚至是无比抗拒的。


在平时练习中,很多人都不知道应该如何练习Retell Lecture或者如何利用手头上数量有限的机经原文。因此在真中,在Retell Lecture的答题过程中,当听了整个文章后,因为对这型的抗拒以及平时练习的不足,这个部分总是答得不够好,最后影响到听力的部分


今天我们一篇近期的Sugar新题来为大家介绍一下Retell Lecture应该怎样准备,怎样答题。






下面,让听力原文来剖析一下Sugar道Retell Lecture:


There’s sugar in a lot of foods where you don’t expect it. Of course there’s lots of sugar in donuts of ice cream, or pastries, or other things that are sweet; candy of course, but there are other places where you see it and you don’t necessarily expect it. So as an example: peanut butter. Here’s a list of ingredients from Skippy Peanut Butterand you see that sugar is the second most common ingredient. So that you may know from the reading food labels that are listed in order of how much there is in the food itself, so sugar comes right after peanuts. Here’s another example,Beef stew, you wouldn’t necessarily expected to find sugar in beef stew but it’s there. Now it’s down the list of ingredients, it’s actually toward the end, but if you look at the marketing of this and food at the can, it says,there’s fresh potatoes and carrots, but actually there’s more sugar in thisthan there is carrots. And so you wouldn’t expect to find this to be the case.





There’s sugar in a lot of foods where you don’t expect it. Of course there’s lots of sugar in donuts or ice cream, or pastries, or other things that are sweet; candy of course, but there are other places where you see it and you don’t necessarily expect it.


你没有意识到很多食物都含糖。当然,甜甜圈,冰淇淋,糕点或其他甜食都有很多糖; 糖果也当然含有糖,但在其他地方,你可能看到一些食物,你不一定想到它们含有糖。



There’s sugar in a lot of foods where you don’t expect it.



So as an example: peanut butter.Here’s a list of ingredients from Skippy Peanut Butter and you see that sugaris the second most common ingredient.





For example, sugar is the second most common ingredient of peanut butter.



So that you may know from there ading food labels that are listed in order of how much there is in the food itself, so sugar comes right after peanuts. Here’s another example, Beef stew,you wouldn’t necessarily expected to find sugar in beef stew but it’s there.





You may know from the reading food labels, and another example is beef stew.


Now it’s down the list of ingredients, it’s actually toward the end, but if you look at the marketing of this and food at the can, it says, there’s fresh potatoes and carrots, butactually there’s more sugar in this than there is carrots. And so you wouldn’texpect to find this to be the case.





Although sugar is listed at the end of the ingredientlist, there is more sugar contained than that in fresh food. Thus, you wouldn’t expect to find it.



·   In this lecture, the speaker talks about sugar.

·   Firstly, he mentions that there’s sugar in a lot of foods where you don’t expect it.

·   After that, he talks about that for example, sugar is the second most common ingredient of peanut butter.

·   Following that, he introduces that you may know from the reading food labels, and another example is beef stew.

·   In conclusion, although sugar is listed at the end of the ingredient list, there is more sugar contained than that in fresh food. Thus, you wouldn’t expect to find it。


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