#Go America文书团队之一#Nicole C.

2014年06月13日 美国留学问问



Nicole is a secondary English teacher in Las Vegas, Nevada. She teaches English 9 Honors to freshmen and Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition to seniors. She has lived in Las Vegas for eight years but originally hails from the East coast. Born in Pennsylvania, Nicole then moved to northern Virginia where she lived until moving to London, England, at the age of twelve. She attended the American School in London before returning to the States to attend college at the University of Virginia where she received her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Language. After graduating, she worked in New York City for a prominent investment banking firm. Deciding that education was her passion, she applied and was accepted to Harvard’s Graduate School of Education where she earned a Master of Education in Teaching and Curriculum. Nicole has been teaching high school English for ten years. In her free time, Nicole enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her family.


Nicole是内华达州拉斯维加斯的高中英文老师,她教授本科一年级English 9 honors课程和四年级高级英语文学和写作。她本居东海岸,现已在拉斯维加斯居住八年。Nicole出生于宾夕法尼亚州,后搬至佛吉尼亚州东部,十二岁移居英国伦敦。她在伦敦上美国学校,后返回美国佛吉尼亚大学上学,获得英语语言文学学士学位。毕业之后,她在纽约一所著名的投行工作。而后Nicole确认她的热情在教育行业,于是她申请并且被哈佛教育学院录取,获得Teaching and curriculum教育学硕士学位。Nicole已经在高中教学十年。Nicole业余喜欢阅读、旅行、和家人在一起。


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