
2014年05月10日 美国留学问问


S1: Describe a historical event that you’re interested in most. Explain why you are interested in it and want to know more about it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

I have long been fascinated by the sinking of the Titanic ever since I watched the movie they made about it I still have many questions like how it was built, how they had called it unsinkable beforehand, how the passengers ranged from some of the wealthiest people in the world to poor third class people in cramped rooms on the lower decks, how they insisted on seating the women and children in the lifeboats before the men ... There are just so many tragic and unbelievable elements that all came together on one horrible night! Everything happened so fast and so long ago, there are still so many factors I wonder about.But every time I learn something new about Titanic’s sinking, I feel like I'm uncovering part of the mystery.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? What a person wears can show his or her personality.

I would agree, for the most part, but only in a very general sense. For instance, if someone is dressed very sharply, in a nice suit, I would think them to be professional and on-the-ball. I don't know any details about their personality, but at least I know they were thoughtful enough and had enough foresight to dress very nicety that day. Meanwhile, if someone is wearing sweatpants and a raggedy old t-shirt with stains all over it, I might think they were sloppy and careless. Once again, they could be the nicest person in the world or a complete jerk; I have no idea about who they truly are! But their fashion choices can give me an immediate read on them, whether it is entirely accurate or not.


人人公共主页:Go America






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