How to keep your lungs healthy

2015年11月06日 新西兰好健康

Our lungs can be affected by many different factors. Air pollution is a big problem in some places these days and is a major concern when it comes to our health. Breathing in poor quality air, whether it’s from traffic fumes, heavy industry, or smoking (or even second hand smoke) all takes its toll on our lungs and overall health. It’s important to support the health of our lungs by helping to keep our airways clear and enabling healthy breathing.


In traditional western herbal medicine there are several herbs that can help if you have respiratory symptoms or want to protect your lungs from pollution.


The word ‘Expectorant’ – is often used in western lung formulas. In Latin it means to expel from the chest. It enables mucous to be thinned so it can be coughed up more easily helping clear the air passage of excess mucous.
“祛痰”--- 意思是从胸部中排出杂物,是西方草药常用于清肺的原理。把多余的粘液粘膜变薄,使之容易地从胸肺部咳嗽出来,保持呼吸道通畅。

The 2 most popular herbs used to keep lungs healthy

1.Thyme is one of the most popular herbs used to treat conditions involving the respiratory tract. Thyme helps to strengthen the immune system due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties which help fight bacterial and viral infections. It is very effective at relieving all types of coughs and also has an expectorant action so it helps sticky mucus to be thinned so it can be coughed up more easily helping clear the airways.


2.White Horehound is another popular herb used in respiratory conditions to help relieve coughs. White Horehound is commonly used for bronchitis (acute and chronic conditions), the common cold and all respiratory conditions with a non-productive cough.


Other effective lung ingredients are Ginger and Aniseed. They not only taste good but they both have a warming action and are good for any respiratory conditions.

Good Health Healthy Lungs contains proven and effective herbs that help protect the lungs from pollution. It also contains New Zealand Manuka honey which has a very soothingand healing action. In liquid form it is absorbed rapidly into the body to quickly relieve symptoms and can be used by both children and adults.


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