
2016年05月28日 UKEC海外区



Well maybe I'll take you with me then,huh? I'm going back the first chance i get.I tell you,people are alive there-not like here. All i know,April,is:I want to feel things-really feel them.You know?How's that for anambition?——by Revolutionary Road



Bullshit! What the **** are you ****ing waiting for? Honestly, do you want him to chop me up and feed me to the ****ing poor?——byThe Departed



The exchange of your love's faithful vow for mine——by Romeo + Juliet



What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it.——by inception



To become the first poet of this century... was to experience everything in my body. It was no longer enough for me to be one person. I decided to be everyone. I decided to be a genius. I decided to originate the future.——by Total Eclipse



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