
2014年03月26日 IPAA

澳大利亚公共会计师协会(IPA AU)认为极有必要彻查澳大利亚员工福利税(FBT)相关政策规定,并表示该工作本应尽早完成。

“如果政府希望在降低税收监管的复杂性方面有所进展,没有哪个税种会比FBT更合适,”IPA AU高级税务顾问托尼﹒格雷克表示,“在澳洲的所有现行税种中,属FBT的合规成本最高,它为小企业的运营施加了大量合规负担。”





“这些不设限优惠政策的使用违背了公平原则,例如,为避税而允许某人从税前收入中支取AU$40 000薪酬举办婚礼,此举很难站住脚。”


IPAAU已将该建议列入其先期预算提案内容。请登录IPA AU全球官方网站了解详情。


Media Release: Start with FBT if youwant to remove red tape

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

An overhaul of thefringe benefits tax (FBT) is warranted and overdue, says the Institute of PublicAccountants (IPA).

"Look nofurther than FBT if the Government wants to make some inroads to its commitmentto reducing regulatory red tape," said IPA senior tax advisor, Tony Greco.

"FBT has theunenviable title of having the highest compliance cost of any tax. It places asignificant compliance burden on small business operators.

"Thecomplexity of the FBT system applies to all small business employer groups,including the not-for-profit sector.  We are talking about a lot ofentities trying to navigate a quagmire of rules to safely negotiate ways tocomply with these tax rules.

"The IPAbelieves that shifting FBT from employers to employees would provide a moreequitable solution to many of the current problems. Taxing fringe benefits atthe employee level has the potential to deliver greater neutrality in thetreatment of cash and non-cash remuneration while reducing the compliance costsfor both employers and employees.

"The Henryreview supports such a proposal to simplify the current rules and provide formore transparency.

"There arealso a number of anomalies in the FBT rules which have been allowed to existfor too long and should be addressed by any responsible government. 
"The use of uncapped access to FBT exemptions for restaurant meals and thehire of entertainment facilities for private purposes are highly discriminatoryand need to be immediately reined in on equity grounds".

"Theexploitation of these uncapped concessions offends the principle of fairness.For example, allowing someone to salary sacrifice a $40,000 wedding frompre-tax income to avoid a significant amount of tax is difficult tojustify. 

"If theincidence of FBT is transferred to employees, then an alternative mechanism forfunding FBT tax concessions will need to be considered. The fundingalternatives proposed by the Not-for-Profit Sector Tax Concession Working Grouphave merit as they offer more transparent incentives for attracting andretaining talent in the not-for-profit sector.

These alternativesneed to be considered in the interests of simplicity, fairness andtransparency," said Mr Greco.

The IPA has madethis recommendation as part of its pre-Budget submission.  Further detailscan be found at the IPA website.


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