
2017年11月06日 东莞教育


In real life, who you are with is really important. It can even change your growth path and determine your success or failure.


What kind of life you have depends on who you are with.  With industrious people, you will not be lazy; with positive people, you will not be depressed. Walk with the wise, you will be extraordinary; walk with an expert, you can reach the peak.


Scientists think that man is the only animal that can accept hints.


Positive hints will have a good impact on people's emotions and physiological status, stimulate people's inner potential, give full play to people's extraordinary levels, and make people aggressive and inspiring.


Stay away from the negative persons! Otherwise, they will steal your dreams without knowing it, and you will become decadent and mediocre.


Positive people are like the sun, where they shine and where they shine; negative people look like the moon. First and fifteen are different. Attitude is everything. What kind of attitude, what kind of future. personality determines fate, what kind of personality, what kind of life.


Some people say that there are three great luck in life: a good teacher in school; a good teacher and a good boss at work; a good companion in a family. Sometimes they give you a sweet smile or a warm greeting that will make your life different and bright.



The most unfortunate thing in life is that your lack of vision and lack of foresight make your life plain and ordinary.


There is a saying, "it doesn't matter who you are. It's important to be with someone.". The ancient "mengmusanqian", which shows who is indeed very important.


The eagle grew up in the henhouse, it will lose the ability to fly, how can Bo hit the sky, flying in the blue sky; growth of the wolf in sheep, it will "fall in love with the sheep" and the loss of the wolf, how can all-powerful, gallop.


You were very good, but due to the negative impact of the people around you, make your lack of upward pressure, loss of motivation, and become too vulgar to be endured so mediocre. Isn't there such an idea? Most of the people walked into the grave with no music."


If you want to soar in the sky just like the eagle , then you have to fly with the group of eagles, rather than associating with songbirds; if you wanna roam the earth just like wolf, then you have to run with the wolves, and not with the sheep together.


As the saying goes, "thrush and sparrow have different singing voices, Golden Rooster and bird crow have different nests.".  Perhaps this is the power of subtle and subtle role.


If you want to be smart, then you have to be with smart people, you will be more wise; if you want to be good, then you have to be with good people, you will be outstanding.


As the saying goes: Like attracts like., Birds of a feather flock together. The reason why a dormitory will be admitted to graduate students, the same class can be admitted to a number of elite students, perhaps this is the reason for it.


Reading good books and making great men are two great blessings in life. The value of a man is determined by the friends around him. The better a friend is, the more valuable you are, the more helpful you will make to your career.


A friend is a precious treasure in your life. Because of  the friend's help and encouragement, you will be invincible and indomitable.


The secret of life is to get along well with others and go hand in hand. The beauty of life is to give others roses, but hold the fragrance of flowers in hand


What kind of life you have depends on who you are with. Love is so, and so is marriage; so is the family, and so is the cause.




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