
2018年06月15日 美国驻华大使馆

很高兴作为国务卿第一次来到中国。很高兴与布兰斯塔德大使及美国驻华使团 @USA_China_Talk成员会面。期待与习主席、政治局委员杨洁篪和外交部长王毅会面。—蓬佩奥国务卿。

Great to be in #China on my first trip as Secretary of State. Good to see Ambassador Branstad and members of the @USA_China_Talk team. Looking forward to meeting with President Xi, Politburo Member Yang, and Foreign Minister Wang.  -- Secretary Pompeo






Delighted to meet the @USA_China_Talk team led by Ambassador Branstad. One of our largest and most critical missions in the world, dedicated to representing U.S. interests with #swagger. -- Secretary Pompeo


很荣幸与美国海军陆战队@USMC 在北京的队员并肩而站。他们很了不起。感谢他们所作的牺牲。永远忠诚!—蓬佩奥国务卿

Honored to stand with a great group of @USMC in Beijing. Thankful for their sacrifice. Semper Fi! -- Secretary Pompeo  


I enjoyed speaking with the Chinese and American press, and answering questions along with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang. I welcomed the frank exchange of ideas.




At a press availability yesterday in #China, @SecPompeo addressed Chinese support for talks with #DPRK, trade discussions, and the U.S.' desire to have a constructive, results-oriented relationship with #China. “When we cooperate, the United States and China can make great progress.”



Productive meeting with President Xi, Politburo Member Yang, and Foreign Minister Wang. Talked about #DPRK, trade, South China Sea, and a range of other issues. We are committed to a constructive, results-oriented relationship with #China.





Thanks to President Xi for hosting me. U.S. and #China are firmly committed to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and facilitating a lasting and stable peace in the region.

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