CISH is the First IB Continuum World School in Anhui Province!

2018年06月15日 合肥加拿大国际学校

We are very excited to be here today to officially announce the DP authorization of CISH that became the 28th full continuum IB world school in China.  Today we are delighted to have Honorable Director of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization  UNESCO of Asia Pacific Region, the Chairman of AKD international educatioHal corporation, Dr. Francis Pang,CISH ED Ms.Du Juan,CISH Head of School Mrs.Peggy Mitchell, Vice Principal Ernest Wasson, DP Cooridnator Mr. Chris Mark, MYP Coordinator Ms.Tilly Erguder, PYP Coordinator Mr. Christian Lee,Kindergarten Coordinator Ms.Lorraine Samuel, Head of Math Department Mr.Derek Berthel. And the media present today are:Sina Anhui, Headline today, Wanjia Hotline, Hefei Forum, Netease, Sohu, Ifeng .The press conference is hosted by Melody Yang, Director of Operations, Canadian International School of Hefei.

2018年6月13日下午,加拿大国际学校成功取得IB国际文凭大学预科课程认证媒体见面会在加拿大国际学校小报告厅召开。本次发布会是关于祝贺加拿大国际学校正式获得IB国际文凭大学预科课程认证举办的。 祝贺合肥加拿大国际学校成为继姐妹学校北京加拿大国际学校和深圳南山国际学校的加煌国际教育集团第三所全学段IB学校!到场的贵宾有著名教育家、联合国教科文组织亚太区名誉理事、加煌国际教育集团董事长彭建华博士,合肥加拿大国际学校执行董事杜娟女士,加拿大国际学校校长Peggy Mitchell女士,副校长Ernest Wasson先生,DP高中文凭项目主任Chris Mark先生,MYP中学项目主任Tilly Erguder女士和PYP幼儿园小学项目主任Christian Lee先生,幼儿园主管老师Lorraine Samuel女士,数学部主管老师Derek Berthel先生。到场的媒体有:新浪安徽今日头条万家热线合肥论坛网易搜狐凤凰。新闻发布会由合肥加拿大国际学校运营总监Melody Yang女士主持。

CISH has been dedicated to ensuring that our students are university-ready, through a commitment to academic excellence and a goal that each student will reach their greatest potential with a holistic approach.To achieve this mission and goal, CISH officially received the PYP and MYP in 2017 and DP authorization on May 29th, 2018 and became one of the 28 IB full continuum world schools providing PYP, MYP and DP in China, following the footsteps of our sister schools Canadian International School of Beijing and International School of Shenzhen Nanshan. Our fourth sister school ShenYang Canadian International School was also authorized as IB school lately. CISH encourages the academic rigor and deep inquiry to develop our students to be caring, courageous risk takers, effective communicators, team players and critical thinkers for the 21st century. The IB DP is a two-year rigorous pre-university course of study and the IB Diploma is a sought-after passport to top universities from Stanford to Yale, and the acceptance rate of IB students into Ivy League institutions and other top 100 universities are much higher compared to the total population acceptance rate. 

合肥加拿大国际学校为加煌国际教育集团旗下一员,集团在全国拥有四所IB国际学校,分别位于北京、深圳、合肥和沈阳,全学段K12IB世界学校在中国仅有28所,而加煌国际教育集团拥有其中的三所,集团的第四所国际学校—沈阳加拿大外籍子女学校也于上周获得IB学校的认证,多年来,加煌教育集团确立了顶尖的国际课程的绝对领先地位和学术实力,其毕业生遍及全世界各大名校。合肥加拿大国际学校致力于提供优质的学术标准和课程培养我们的学生走向全球大学高等学府并用全人教育的理念发掘学生的最大潜力。合肥加拿大国际学校于2017年获得PYP,MYP的认证,并于2018年五月正式获得了大学预科国际文凭DP的IBO授权认证,IB DP课程是一个高难度的两年制大学预科文凭课程,被公认为全球最高水准的大学预科课程和国际文凭,被誉为通向世界一流大学的桥梁,享受诸如哈佛、耶鲁、剑桥、牛津等著名大学倾斜性录取政策。包括提前录取,奖励学分,直接跳读大学二年级课程。

As the first and only IB full continuum international school in Anhui province, over the past four years, CISH has built up a strong strategic alliance with many multinational corporations to provide high-quality international education for over 400 expat families. CISH also carries a mission of building up an international community and optimizing FDI environment for the Anhui province by providing the best international education with the IB curriculum. 


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