
2018年12月21日 Enflares

小艾伯特·阿诺德·“阿尔”·戈尔(英语:Albert Arnold “Al” Gore, Jr.,1948年3月31日-),美国政治家,曾于1993年至2001年间在比尔·克林顿执政时期担任美国副总统。2000年美国总统大选后成为一名国际上著名的环境活动家,由于在环球气候变化与环境问题上的贡献受到国际的肯定,因而与政府间气候变化专门委员会共同获得2007年度诺贝尔和平奖。戈尔任副总统前,曾出任过美国国会众议员(1977年至1985年)及美国国会田纳西州参议员(1985年至1993年)。他的父亲亦曾任三届国会参议员。




戈尔之后成为一名世界著名的环境活动家,他经常以全球暖化问题作为他在公开场合演讲的主题。2006年,他推出了自己参与制作和演出的纪录片《难以忽视的真相》(An Inconvenient Truth),主要讲述了工业化对全球气候变暖和人类生存的影响。此片在不少国家引起了广大的回响,并获得第79届奥斯卡金像奖的最佳纪录片与最佳电影歌曲奖。在他的组织下,全球于2007年7月7日举行了Live Earth全球抗暖化明星接力演唱会,深获全球好评。



SWT 真题回放:Nobel peace prize

This year’s Nobel Peace Prize justly rewards the thousands of scientists of the United Nations Climate Change Panel (the IPCC). These scientists are engaged in excellent, painstaking work that establishes exactly what the world should expect from climate change.

The other award winner, former US Vice President Al Gore, has spent much more time telling us what to fear. While the IPCC’s estimates and conclusions are grounded in careful study, Gore doesn’t seem to be similarly restrained.

Gore told the world in his Academy Award winning movie (recently labeled “one sided” and containing “scientific errors” by a British judge) to expect 20 foot sea level rises over this century. He ignores the findings of his Nobel co winners, the IPCC, who conclude that sea levels will rise between only a half foot and two feet over this century, with their best expectation being about one foot. That’s similar to what the world experienced over the past 150 years.

Likewise, Gore agonizes over the accelerated melting of ice in Greenland and what it means for the planet, but overlooks the IPCC’s conclusion that, if sustained, the current rate of melting would add just three inches to the sea level rise by the end of the century. Gore also takes no notice of research showing that Greenland’s temperatures were higher in 1941 than they are today.

Gore also frets about the future of polar bears. He claims they are drowning as their icy habitat disappears. However, the only scientific study showing any such thing indicates that four polar bears drowned because of a storm.

The politician turned movie maker loses sleep over a predicted rise in heat related deaths.

There’s another side of the story that’s inconvenient to mention: rising temperatures will reduce the number of cold spells, which are a much bigger killer than heat. The best study shows that by 2050, heat will claim 400,000 more lives, but 1.8 million fewer will die because of cold. Indeed, according to the first complete survey of the economic effects of climate change for the world, global warming will actually save lives.


This year’s Nobel Peace Prize rewards the IPCC scientists and Al Gore, who are engaged in excellent work in climate change; however, Gore expects the sea level to rise 20 foot over this century and worries about the future of polar bears, while the IPCC estimated only a half foot and two feet increase and study shows that the global warming will actually save lives because few lives will die because of cold.



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