
2018年12月11日 FOX国际艺术

外星人来袭 ! ! !




在伦敦时装学院里有这样一群人,夜半经过他们的Studio经常会发出尖叫声,这就是伦敦时装学院的特效化妆专业的学生们的Studio ,里面经常可以看到僵尸,怪兽,满脸是血的小丑,喜欢看科幻电影和恐怖片的同学们应该都知道,很多造型与场景都离不开他们背后的特效化妆师,但是这一专业却很少有人了解。尤其是在国内,很多需要特效的大片都要聘请海外的特效化妆师来进行造型。可见这一专业,在国内仍属于稀缺。



As we’re sure you already know, Fashion Space Gallery at LCF recently unveiled their latest exhibition which explores the wonderful world of Alexander McQueen and Make-Up. The beautifully curated exhibition sees walls of human faces donning iconic McQueen Make-Up looks, and as a rare treat, we thought we’d show you how the team at Fashion Space Gallery, along with students from Hair, Make-Up and Prosthetics for Performance, took their idea from concept to creation. This awesome video shows you how they took an array of models and made molds from their beautiful faces… enjoy!


BA (Hons) Make-Up and Prosthetics for Performance student Stacie Smith.


Give us one interesting fact about yourself…

Stacie Smith: I illustrate alongside practicing makeup, hairstyling and prosthetics. I also have eight tattoos.

Describe your work in five words…

SS: Illustrative, theatrical, caricature, adaptable and informed.


What do you love about what you do?

JS: I love the creativity of make up and that art has no bounds, your only limitation is your own mind.  I love creating make-ups and characters then seeing the finished product as an actual embodiment of what was once an idea in your mind.

Work by Jenna Scruton, BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Film and TV

Work by Kamilia Harchi, BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Film and TV

What techniques or theories did you use to create your final piece of work? 


JS: The main piece I concentrated on was a statement wig piece.  This was the creation that really communicated the text my initial ideas were based on.  This consisted of a reinforced foundation, elaborate wig cage, knotting and decretive dressing.

KH: Both of my characters also contain very elaborate wig designs, which took time to execute correctly. Whilst the male character’s highly decorative facial hair is much more explicit in design, the female character is much more conceptual. This allowed me to utilise an array of techniques to portray metaphorical nuances; from a vacuum form mask behind which the character hides, to the silicone prosthetic eye-bags, hand knotted wig and the head dress which features multiple small heads that I sculpted and moulded, hidden as prisoners.

Work by Kamilia Harchi, BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Film and TV

BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Film and TV graduate Inji Youn, Female frankenstein.

MA Costume for Performance graduate Veronica Toppino, Wolf-Alice, based on Angela Carter’s fairytale Martina Conti.

BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Film and TV graduate Inji Youn, The Pied Piper.

BA (Hons) Hair and Make-up for Film and TV graduate Sophie Moore’s interpretation of BABA YAGA.

Sophie Moore’s interpretation of Cleopatra from ‘Freaks’ (1932).

Image credit: Amanda-Jayne Easmon

Billie Pingault, BA Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics for Performance added:

“Being asked to be part of a V&A event was really exciting, particularly as we were given so much creative freedom with how we designed the workshop, and as there is such a buzz around the Savage Beauty show. Our ‘Skin Deep’ workshop was hectic, fun and seemed to really engage everyone. All participants really threw themselves into the workshop, really ebracing the McQueen energy and producing some very beautiful and original pieces.”

Emily Jane Fielding from Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics for Performance illustrated, started her own YouTube channel producing art content when she was just 12. For her final project wrote and produced her own comic book featuring my characters for her final project. Her main inspiration for this project was Marvel and DC films. “I came up with the idea for a Mother Nature character after a research visit to Kew Gardens. I designed, made and applied all the prosthetics myself”, Emily told us. She describes her time at LCF as “an opportunity to thrive in personal innovation”.

Julia Sanchez Merino also studied Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics and based her final project on Edgar Allan Poe’s Hop-Frog story. “As writing was therapeutic for Poe, he used to base his stories on his life events, and this one is a story of  revenge in which he uses the character of Hop -Frog as his alter Ego. I focused this project on making realistic prosthetics and making my model look as similar to Poe as possible . The moustache is hand knotted by me as well . Both characters are the same model” Julia told us. Julia  won the 2018 Ve Neill Legends of Makeup Scholarship and about her time at LCF she said: “I moved from Spain to London just to study at this amazing university. My time here has been incredible and I have learned so many new skills which I hope will help me to find a job in the near future. The variety of installations and facilities that this university provides you are high standard as well as the teachers and lessons”.

Yuqing Rane Jiang studied BA (Hons) Costume Design for Performance and created a costume influenced by, futuristic and cyberpunk style, exploring the  boundary between human and artificial intelligence, which alllowed Yuqing to discover unusual materials and culmintaed in a dance performance short film which you can see below. “At LCF I learnt a lot about how to handle difficult situations and how to collaborate with different people. I met really nice classmates and teachers. I really enjoy my time at LCF” says Yuqing.

Simone Kidd, a student from the BA (Hons) Hair and Make-Up for Fashion course said:

“I was focused on skin, prepping the skin and applying colour correction, foundation, blush and contour. My personal highlight was my first client who was the daughter of make-up legend Allan Whitey Synder, make-up artist to Marilyn Monroe. Even more so when she was elated by my work. Although all my clients were beautiful and inspiring.”


A display of mannequins at the ‘Hair by Sam McKnight’ exhibition at Somerset House highlights his work for Chanel. Photo credit: Peter Macdiarmid.

Abigail Butler, BA (Hons) Creative Direction for Fashion student also spoke to us about having the opportunity to collaborate with Somerset House and Nova. She said:

During the workshop, we learned about the curation of Instagram for promoting an exhibition, and the different angles that could be taken to represent this. I discussed ideas with my peers, and experimented with short animations, considering ways we could incorporate text and images to best communicate our ideas. My featured work focused on an unexpected area of the exhibition – the Chanel section of ‘Hair by Sam McKnight’, resonated with my own aesthetic so I took an image to capture this unanticipated detail from the space.

Throughout the workshop, I was able to explore the exhibition to capture different elements which I found most interesting. Some areas, particularly those featuring movement, warranted moving image techniques. For this, I used simple app techniques such as Boomerang, as well as Photoshop animations. My final image was more a consideration of aesthetic curation, so was simply a case of photographing the desired detail and using Instagram edits to create the effect I wanted. Working with Nova was very insightful in relation to the process of working to a brief for an arts organisation such as Somerset House. Before this, I was unaware of some of the restrictions faced in terms of image manipulation for social media when promoting photographic material. It was also great to find out some of the methods Nova uses in her own creation of content for social media!

Illustration by Holly Farmer for #HairbySamMcKnight.



Fox  International Art(北京部)已经经历了5年的风吹雨打,我们从不人云亦云,一直坚持自己独有的风格。2018年,Fox做了一个大胆的尝试,空间逐步升级,整栋五层将以一个新的实验性空间呈现(实验性意味着不断尝试被颠覆和修改),能够近距离感受艺术氛围带来的启发和碰撞。五层空间不同于其它精装修的办公空间,巧妙的结合了“贫穷艺术”,我们来回奔波与各个回收站、垃圾场、废墟、甚至是一些肮脏的地方,收集各种被丢弃或者失去意义的物体进行再创作,如废弃的冰箱、复古的洗衣机、扭曲的铁锅、有痕迹的管道、破裂的马桶、被撕毁的旧沙发、残缺的浴缸...再将生活里的各个有趣场景延伸到我们的空间里,加入新的故事情节,去重新定义物体的价值与空间的多样性。空间包涵Workshop、展览馆、艺术当铺和药铺、材料综合商店(厨房theme)、自由交流区(街头洗衣房theme)、艺术图书馆(下水道theme)、阅读区(澡堂theme)、楼道(火灾现场theme)、不正常人类后花园(红色沙滩theme)等多个开放性空间。我们将打造全国首家最具有实验性的艺术空间,让艺术和生活得到无限的连接和启发。



Unusual Human Back Garden


 Soup Tang创作空间





Material Shop+Art Library+Product Development+Designer Agency












Fox International Art College




Designed by Yufei


Art Pawnshop


Art Pharmacy+Gallery+Pop-up Store








Fox International Art


Idea and Mission


狐狸国际艺术是中国唯一一家把海外艺术教育与产品设计开发结合为一体的实验性艺术工作室。旗下设有:Fox International Art College(狐狸国际艺术教育学院)、产品开发基地、设计师经纪公司、展览馆、综合材料商店、快闪店、艺术当铺、艺术药铺和图书馆等多个部门。核心团队由英国伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院、伦敦时装学院、英国皇家艺术学院、美国帕森斯设计学院、芝加哥设计学院等海归设计师、艺术家以及海内外的专家教授在2010年于伦敦成立,2014年在北京重新建立新的艺术基地。


Fox各个部门的设计师与学员,无论是背景还是专业能力都是业界首屈一指,与众多知名一线品牌、著名博物馆合作过,如大英博物馆、V&A博物馆、德国国立宝石博物馆、Guicci、Cartier、Alexander McQueen、施华洛世奇、Gareth Pugh、John Galliano、Dior、Alexander Wang、Giles Deacon、陈奕迅、余文乐等。

Fox International Art



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