#使馆艺术品# 霓虹玻璃雕塑Reaching (伸展)

2018年12月20日 美国驻华大使馆

#艺术连接你我# #使馆艺术品#

 Reaching (伸展) 是由毕业于海军学院的艺术家Joseph Corcoran创作的霓虹玻璃雕塑。他跨越 7000英里来到北京来装他的作品。



Reaching is a neon glass sculpture by artist and Naval Academy graduate Joseph Corcoran, who traveled nearly 7,000 miles to Beijing to install his work. 

“Reaching is about the patterns of nature and where those patterns go awry and become chaotic,” Joe said of his sculpture.  “The piece begins with order but as the stalks rise they go in every direction.  It is about reaching for more.”

#artconnectsus #ArtinEmbassies

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