SST高频真题解析——Children Literature,附音频及高分答案。

2018年12月10日 7PLUS英语

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近期,听力成为了大家78炸路上的拦路虎。通过分析他们平时的复习情况以及考场上的反馈,我们不难发现,大部分的同学在Summarize Spoken Text这个题型上存在着这样或那样的问题,更有些同学对于Summarize SpokenText这个题型甚至是无比抗拒的。


在平时练习中,很多人都不知道应该如何练习Summarize Spoken Text或者如何利用手头上数量有限的机经原文。因此在真实考试中,在Summarize SpokenText的答题过程中,当听了整个文章后,因为对这个题型的抗拒以及平时练习的不足,这个部分总是答得不够好,最后影响到听力的部分。


今天我们一篇近期的Summarize Spoken Text新题来为大家介绍一下Summarize Spoken Text应该怎样准备,怎样答题。





下面,让我们通过听力原文来剖析一下Children Literature这道Summarize Spoken Text


And I am the professor of children’s literature at Newcastle University and I want to write a very short introduction to children’s literature because although here in Britain one of the longest and most distinguished traditions of creating books for children,perhaps the longest and most distinguished in the world. We often take them for granted and we don't pay enough attention to what a remarkable cultural resource they are for adults and kind of cultural work they do for children and the way that they have served writers and illustrators as a cultural space for creativity subversion and opportunities to experiment with new ideas.


So what kind of cultural work the children’s books do? Well, at the level of individual child, this is one of the places where children learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences,and see the images of the world that help them think about how the world works and where they fit into it, because children’s books are first places that children encounter these things they are often very direct, as a source of information about what a particular period thinks, including what it thinks achild is, what a child needs to know, what childhood looks like. Sometimes when we are looking at children’s books from the past, that’s very important to notice these children who aren’t there, for instance. So that is one of the things that we have in children’s books.





And I am the professor of children’s literature at Newcastle University and I want to write a very short introduction to children’s literature because although here in Britain one ofthe longest and most distinguished traditions of creating books for children,perhaps the longest and most distinguished in the world. We often take them forgranted and we don't pay enough attention to what a remarkable cultural resource they are for adults and kind of cultural work they do for children and the way that they have served writers and illustrators as a cultural space for creativity subversion and opportunities to experiment with new ideas.







Although British has long and distinguished history of creating children literature, people often take them for granted, but do not pay attention to the remarkable contributions it makes to people from different backgrounds.



So what kind of cultural work the children’s books do? Well, at the level of individual child, this is one of the places where children learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences,and see the images of the world that help them think about how the world works and where they fit into it, because children’s books are first places that children encounter these things they are often very direct, as a source of information about what a particular period thinks including what it thinks a child is, what a child needs to know, what childhood looks like, sometimes when we are looking at children’s books from the past, that’s very important to notice these children who aren’t there, for instance. So that is one of the things that we have in children’s books.







As the first place where children directly encounter various things, children literature helps children to learn vocabularies, get experience and understand the world.



Although British has long and distinguished history of creating children literature, people often take them for granted, but do not pay attention to the remarkable contributions it makes to people from different backgrounds. Thus, as the first place where children directly encounter various things, children literature helps children to learn vocabularies, get experience and understand the world.


通过上方几个简单的连接词的串联,我们就可以在短时间内迅速解决掉这道近期的Summarize Spoken Text。其实总体来说,如果你已经能听懂一篇文章,那么接下来你只需要保证尽量减少语法和拼写错误,同时有效地运用连接词就可以了。


为了让大家愉快地过一个圣诞和新年,早日攻下PTE考试,7PLUS隆重推出Early Bird优惠活动----提前相应天数报名暑期PTE培训,享全年最高优惠,最高立减$200!





例如:  某同学计划参加11月13日开课的PTE全能精讲班,提前21天也就是10月23日之前报名,均可立减$200,实际只需$599。以此类推。。。





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