
2014年10月20日 Rita澳洲生活报告

随着Twitter, Facebook, Instagram以及咱们的微博等社交媒体兴起,现在明星和广大群众的互动越来越方便了。随便一刷微博,就可以知道杨幂生孩儿了、柯震东吸毒了、安吉丽娜朱莉&布拉德彼得结婚了。那在他们PO了美照后大家一般做什么捏? 来看一下以下6条你有没有躺枪吧~ 而且此篇由外国网友整理,除了那些最熟悉的名字,这里面出现的名人大概是外国粉丝们中最津津乐道的人哦~

6 Things PeopleDo When Their Favorite Celebs Post to Social Media


1. Nothing.
You just see their photo, you acknowledge it and then you keep on scrolling. "Kim and Kanye got married? Great. Now let's look for more cute cat pics on Instagram." That's you. That's what you sound like.

Kim Kardishian 金卡珊。金卡珊今年荣获了GQ杂志评选的年度最性感女郎。作为回馈…… 强烈推荐大家google‘Kim GQ’ (。→‿←。)

2. Hit the "favourite" button.
A step above "nothing." You know you clicking the "favorite" button doesn't really do anything since most celebs get thousands upon thousands of those little hearts whenever they post anything on Instagram, but damn it, you really do like the photo of their new haircut. And heaven forbid you one day run into Hilary Duff on the street and she asks you if you favourite’s anything on her Instagram. Can you imagine if you had to tell her, "No, I didn't favorite that pic of your dog?".

Acknowledge v. 承认
Scroll v.卷,从上往下刷(电脑屏幕,就是刷网页的刷…)
Instagram 图片分享APP,中国也可以用哦,超级推荐的好应用

Thousands upon thousands 成千上万的
Click v. 点击。是不是很像按鼠标的声音,click~
Button n.按键
Celeb n. celebrity 的简写。名人
Damn v.诅咒,咒骂。Damn it 可以等于 靠! TM的!
Heaven n. 天堂
Forbid v.禁止,阻碍 Heaven forbid = 但愿不要如此,千万表这样~
Run into 偶遇,撞到

1. 飘过党
你看到他们晒的照片了,恩,然后你继续往下刷。’金卡珊 和 坎耶结婚了? 恩,很好~ 现在继续看Instagram上更多的萌猫照片咯~ 喵~’ 恩,站住,这种人说的就是你。
2. 点赞党
比飘过党强那么一丢丢。你也知道,对随便发个啥都能得到成千上万的‘赞’的名人来说(little hearts 因为照片下面点赞不都是个小红心吗~)你的赞实际上没什么。但咋办捏~ 你就是喜欢他们的新发型~ OH~~~ 还有拜托拜托不要让你在街上偶遇希拉里达夫,而且她还问你:你有给我点赞吗~~?? 你能想象肿么开口吗?“不,我没给你狗狗的那张照片点赞”

3. Regram!
Screengrab it and post it to your own Instagram with a caption along the lines of: "Love these boys!" We've seen One Direction fans do that a lot.

One Direction 在外国千万少女中红暴的组合

约等于 一群曾经的Justin Biber/ 大一点点的TF Boys/ 西方神起(ÒܫÓױ)

4. Fight with other fans.
Because nobody, and you mean nobody, loves Rihanna more than you do. And you show it by always defending her on Instagram against haters, fans who don't love her every second of every day, and basically anyone else you feel like fighting with.

Regram 在instagram上把别人发的照片截图下来再发,就叫regram (instagram不能转发)
Screengrab 截屏。 Screen 屏幕 grab 抢夺。 所以screengrab就是轻轻一起按你滴home + lock键的那个动作啦
Caption n. 标题
Defend v.辩护,保卫,防守

Basically adv.基本上

3. 截屏转发党
截屏,再自己转发,再配个标题:“好爱这些男孩哦!”OK,我们已经看见无数One Direction的粉丝做事儿了。
(One Direction,定位给少女的组合,那个红呀。类似一群当年的贾斯丁比伯在一起,or 大一些的TF BOYS… )
4. 对骂党
因为么有~ 你是说么人任何人,比你更爱蕾哈娜了。你会在她的Insatagram 下面和所有黑粉,非真爱粉对骂,或者任何你就是想骂上两句的人……

5. Ask questions like you two are best friends catching up via social media.

As if that celeb will ever see it among the 10,000 plus comments and answer you. We know you love Taylor Swift (we probably love her more), but she will never see your question about whether or not she remembers the funny thing that happened at her concert from 2009 in your home state. Nor will she answer your question about when she'll be back to said home state so you guys can go the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame together or whatever.

6. Beg.

These are the comments with a crap ton of emoticons and a heartful plea of "please follow me back!" Sorry, we wrote that wrong. It's usually: "PLEASE FOLLOW MEEEEEE BACK!!!!!" Look.

Catch Up 叙旧,小聚。约见有段时间没见的朋友就可以:would u like to catch up today?
Comment n.评价
Concert n.演唱会
Rock and Roll 来~ 跟着汪峰老师一起来rock n roll !!! 摇滚
Hall n.大厅,门廊
Fame n.名望,名声

Beg v.乞求 Beggar n.乞丐
Crap n.废话,排泄物
Emoticon n.表情符号 就QQ里面小黄人,或者iphone自带那一堆表情那种
Heartful adj.热诚的,真挚的
Plea n.恳求,强烈要求

5. 唠嗑儿党 (在社交网络上问些跟你俩是铁杆闺蜜似的问题)
就跟人家真的会在一万个以上的评价里看见&回答你似的~ 我们知道你爱泰勒斯威夫特(我们还更爱呢~),但她.永.远.不.会.看到你问它记不记得2009在你家乡开演唱会的有趣事,或者回答你,等她再去你家乡时你们能不能一起去摇滚名人堂或者别的破事儿。

6. 求关注党
这里总有那么些评论,弄着一堆的表情和一个陈恳的请求:“请关注我!/互赞!/互粉!”哦,对不起…… 我写错了,一般应该是:“请~~~~ 关~~~~~注~~~~~~我~~~~~~~!!!!!”

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