
2018年12月20日 美国驻华大使馆

“......特朗普总统将指挥国防部建立一个作战司令部,负责监督我们在太空的所有军事活动。这一太空司令部将成为美国军队的第11个作战司令部,与印太司令部、欧洲司令部一道,但它也将与其他职能型司令部如战略司令部和特种作战司令部一起效力。它将由一名四星上将带领。 ” ——彭斯副总统在肯尼迪航天中心的讲话。 


“…President Trump will direct the Department of Defense to establish a combatant command that will oversee all our military activities in space. This Space Command will be the 11th Combatant Command in the U.S. military joining the Indo-Pacific Command, the European Command, but also it will serve alongside other — what are known as functional commands, like Strategic Command, and Special Operations Command. And it will be led by a four-star flag officer. “ -- Remarks by Vice President Pence at Kennedy Space Center. 

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