
2018年12月10日 美国驻华大使馆


Pompeo’s remarks for Dec 9, Intl Anticorruption Day:

Corruption facilitates transnational crime, fuels terrorism, obstructs economic growth and development, weakens the rule of law, and undermines democracy. Ultimately, it endangers our national security. 

The United States helps partner nations build transparent, accountable institutions and strengthen criminal justice systems that hold the corrupt accountable. We support civil society and journalists, who expose corruption and hold public officials to account. We prevent corruption by supporting global initiatives that rebuild citizen trust in government. We also hold corrupt actors accountable through targeted financial sanctions for corruption and human rights abuse through the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. 

On this day, we call on all countries to effectively implement their international anticorruption commitments, including through the UN Convention against Corruption. 

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