【黑人历史月】环保活动人士Majora Carter

2016年02月26日 美国驻华大使馆

#黑人历史月# Majora Carter是纽约城的一名环保活动人士。她提倡城市美化要注重绿化,并已成功地帮助重建城市公园并训练纽约居民从事“绿色工作”。她还是成立TED这个标志性项目的最初6名演讲者之一。





Majora Carter is an  environmental activist working out of New York City. She advocates for urban  renewal with a green focus, and has successfully helped rejuvenate city parks  and train New York residents for “green jobs”. She is also one of the  original 6 TED Speakers that launched the now iconic program. Watch her TED  Talk here (eng): http://snip.state.gov/d6z, and let us  know what kind of green rejuvenation projects you’d like to see in China!



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