【最牛学霸】18岁上哈佛 30岁做波士顿市首位亚裔女议长

2016年02月29日 加拿大留学移民网


◎在1月4日的波士顿市议会投票中,出生并成长于芝加哥的30岁华裔美女吴弭(Michelle Wu)成功当选为波士顿市历史上首位亚裔议长,同时也是首位担任此要职的有色人种女性。


1985年1月,吴弭出生在芝加哥南部的一个华人家庭。她的父母从中国台湾移民而来,而吴弭是家中四个孩子的老大。2003年时,吴弭作为伊利诺伊州代表荣获“美国总统奖学金”(U.S. Presidential Scholar),并在其母校巴林顿高中(Barrington High School)担任毕业演讲发言人。在高中的最后一年中,吴弭还担任“全美高中生联盟”(National Junior Classical League)的主席。这一切的荣誉都充分体现了吴弭在其高中阶段所取得的无与伦比的成绩。






以下是美国NBC News对此次事件的报道:

After a unanimous vote by the Boston City Council Monday, second-term at-large City Councilor Michelle Wu was elected and inaugurated as president of the city council.

Michelle Wu is the first Asian American to serve as the president of the Boston City Council. She was sworn in for her second term as a city councilor on Jan. 4, 2016. Ryuji Suzuki / Courtesy of the Office of Michelle Wu

At 30 years of age, Wu, who is an attorney, is the first Asian American, first woman of color, and third woman to ever hold the office in the Boston City Council's 106-year history. She is also the council's youngest current member.

"We're sworn in today at a time of historic inequality. This lack of opportunity has to led to stark divisions in Boston," Wu said in her first address as Boston City Council president, as reported by the Boston Herald. "It is against this backdrop that the work of city government is more vital than ever."

Originally from Chicago, Wu attended Harvard University as an undergraduate, going on to Harvard Law School. She also worked for former Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino as a Rappaport fellow in law and public policy and for her former law professor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), as statewide constituency director during Warren's U.S. Senate campaign.

At the inauguration ceremony, Warren spoke warmly about Wu, as reported by the Boston Herald.

"She's not just a woman full of good ideas and a passionate heart, but a woman who gets out and does the hard work that needs to be done to make a difference," Warren said.

Michelle Wu takes reins as Boston City Council president


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