
2016年06月07日 加拿大国际教育集团

Demo Interview for Middle School

为了让毕业班的孩子们做好小升初的准备, Romille 老师在EFL课上一直注重训练孩子们英语面试的口语技巧。为了锻炼孩子们的应试能力,广州市番禺区雅居乐加拿达外国语学校在5月27日下午特别安排了一场模拟英语面试。学校特别邀请了家长前来观摩面试过程,感受孩子们的成长和进步。

CLS-A held a demo interview activity last Friday, the 27th May 2016, in preparation for our grade 6 students moving on to Middle school next term. 



These students will all undergo interviews to determine their competency in order to be accepted to their chosen Middle schools moving on from their Primary school here with CLS-A.

The students were split into two groups. Nathan and Toto in Room 1 while Romielle and Daisy in Room 2. All the students achieved 60% and above in answering their questions.


We must commend our students for their remarkable performance in the interview. They all passed with excellent scores. Wish the Grade 6 students a bright future!

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