快乐的老师=快乐的教育! Happy teachers bring out the happiness in children!

2016年03月11日 加拿大国际教育集团





在拓展训练中,共有5个团队训练项目,有携手同行、南水北调、达芬奇密码、竹筏竞技等。在每个项目训练过程中,大家互相包容、协作、交流、提醒与鼓励,尽力地展示团队协作的精神风貌,体验训练带来的挑战与快乐。训练结束后,大家一起分享训练的成功和喜悦,总结失败的经验和教训,每个人都深刻地体会到 “团结、沟通、合作、信任、努力、坚持不懈、互助”的重要性! 


Day1: To enrich the lives of the teachers and enhance team collaboration and cooperation we had a fun day at the Nansha Yongle farm with all the teachers from Canadian Mayland International Kindergarten.

The teachers were organized into teams; from there the teams created team captains, team names, songs and slogans. The teams worked together and planned out the formation of the teams which included flags as well. 

During the training the 5 teams worked together, and played games together. Throughout these activities the teams focused on mutual tolerance, cooperation, communication, encouragement, team spirit and the experiences of working together with a team. After training the teachers shared happiness and the success of the training. All the teachers learned about hard work and cooperation. 

The goal of this weekend activity was to enhance the communication, understanding, trust, team work, and love with all the teachers. Everyone had such a great time and now the teachers feel like a big family.

Day 2:春暖花开,正是踏青的好时节。第二天全体教师追随着春天的脚步出发到百万葵园,一起感受春天的气息、找寻春天的美丽。

Day2: During day 2 the teachers went to a wonderful park to see all the flowers blooming, many great pictures were taken. The teachers walked around together and relaxed in the beautiful weather.




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