【乐视美国 新闻天天看】乐视6月29日要发布什么?美媒期待"猛兽"

2016年06月23日 乐视美国


安卓产品消息权威网站AndroidHeadlines 报道,官方微博发出乐视移动新品发布会预告海报,虽未明确透露发布产品的内容,报导推测,海报中的子弹代表了629号于上海发布的将是极为快速的全新手机。

无独有偶,权威手机新闻网站Phonearena专文报道了629号的发布会,称乐视将放出最新的"猛兽"LeMax 2 Pro。报导综合先前的传言推测,全新发布的产品将是史上第一部采用骁龙821处理器及8GB随机存取的超强大手机。其他引人浮想的配备还有128GB容量,储存量和可容纳200GB记忆卡的插槽,加上升级版25MP镜头及率先使用USB-typeC接口的超豪华配置!


LeMobile continues to set all the industry standards with the most powerful CPU, the largest RAM and being the first to ditch the traditional 3.5mm headphone jack. Even though LeMobile has not arrived in the United States, every rumor about LeEco’s new breakthrough is now big news for US media. The latest big news is about aposter on LeEco’s official Weibo. Famous Android product review website AndroidHeadlines reports, the poster announced a June 29 luanch event in Shanghai. Although no specific product is shown in the tease, Androd Headlines says it will be the world’s first phone with Snapdragon 820 processor and 8GB RAM. Phone Arena also reports that LeEco has released a teaser for the unveiling of its “latest beast”, the LeEcoLeMax2 Pro. The article predict the new handset will feature USB-Type C port , 128GB of storage and a slot of up to 200GB microSD card, as well as 25MP rearcamera. American tech media agree: the launch event on June 29th can’t be missed!


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