
2015年09月21日 西南美国商会


AmCham Southwest China Chairman Benjamin Wang recently returned from AmCham Shanghai’s 2015 Doorknock Delegation to Washington D.C. He and the other delegates spent September 7-10 meeting with administration officials and members of Congress as well as China experts at think-tanks, business associations, and academic institutions. Made up of U.S. company executives working in China, the delegation offers U.S. policymakers on-the-ground insights into U.S. companies’ experiences in China.
次访问华盛顿期间,代表团同包括美国商务部长Penny Pritzker女士、美国贸易副代表Robert Holleyman先生、美国国家安全委员会国际经济高级主管Rory MacFarquhar先生、财政预算委员会主席Paul Ryan先生、民主党领袖Nancy Pelosi女士等白宫高级官员进行了会晤。会晤中,中国当前的商业环境依然是美国官员们关注的热点话题。此外,白宫官员也通过同代表团的交流为习主席即将启程的访美之旅广纳谏言。

During the trip, the delegates met with Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Robert Holleyman, National Security Council Senior Director for International Economics Rory MacFarquhar, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means Paul Ryan, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and other key policymakers within the Obama administration. The Doorknock’s contacts showed consistent interest in business conditions in China and sought recommendations for President Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit to the United States.

While U.S. officials remain concerned about cyber-security, IPR enforcement, market access, and territorial disputes in the South China Seas, Doorknock delegates emphasized the need for maintaining good relations with China. They shared positive experiences of U.S. businesses operating in China and pointed out that U.S. businesses help promote economic reform within China.

The delegates believed the Doorknock succeeded in giving policymakers a first-hand, balanced view of the U.S. business situation in China. They hope the information they shared will help inform Xi Jinping’s visit so that it serves as an opportunity for fostering greater cooperation between the U.S. and Chinese governments.

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