
2014年12月18日 墨尔本天府川菜馆


感谢您们一直以来对天府川菜馆的支持和厚爱!天府川菜馆Glen Waverley分店本周末将在25 Railway Parade North开始试营业,届时,我们会推出了大量新品菜肴,如:烧鸡公、干锅跷脚牛肉、巴蜀人家炒苕粉等,真诚欢迎您们的光临!

更多详情请您咨询天府South Yarra旗舰店,联系电话:(03) 9078 1686。


Dear Customers,

Dainty Sichuan Food Glen Waverley (25 Railway Parade North) will open in this weekend, give a try to our new dishes and experience our excellent dining environment.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to give us a call: (03) 9078 1686 or go to Dainty Sichuan Food South Yarra Origin to get more information.

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