
2015年12月15日 美国驻华大使馆

明尼阿波利斯是美国中西部地区最大的城市之一,那里一年四季都有许多吸引人的景象和活动。当你置身于湖泊之城的时候一定要去体验以下景点 1.)美国购物中心-美国最大的购物中心,设有520家店铺,包括所有你最喜爱的品牌,配有一个室内游乐园、水族馆和电影院。此外,明尼苏达州没有针对服装和食品的营业税,因此你的人民币更有价值;2.)湖链 (the Chain of Lakes) – 独木舟、皮划艇、散步、骑车或者在冬季打池沼曲棍球或滑冰;3.) 明尼阿波利斯雕塑公园在知名的沃克艺术中心附近著名的匙桥和樱桃(Spoonbridge and Cherry)雕塑前留影;4.)磨坊城市博物馆了解明尼阿波利斯是如何成为一座城市的。你在一年中的什么时候去的明尼阿波利斯?



#TraveltoAmerica – VisitMinneapolis, Minnesota

Minneapolis, one of the largest cities in the Midwest, offers lots ofattractions and events all year round. Be sure to check out the following whenyou’re in the City of Lakes 1.) Mall of America - the largest shopping mall inthe US, featuring 520 stores, including all your favorite brands, complete withan indoor amusement park, aquarium, and movie theater. Plus, there’s no sales tax on clothing andfood in Minnesota, so you get more value for your RMB; 2.) The Chain of Lakes-- canoe, kayak, stroll, bike, or play pond hockey or go ice skating in thewinter; 3.) Minneapolis Sculpture Garden - Take your picture in front of thefamous Spoonbridge and Cherry near the famous Walker Art Center; 4.)Mill CityMuseum - See how Minneapolis got its start as a city. What time of year would you visit Minneapolis?

For more information, see(eng): http://www.minneapolis.org/

(Chinese): http://zh.mallofamerica.com/shop

To learnabout Minneapolis see (ch): https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%98%8E%E5%B0%BC%E9%98%BF%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E6%96%AF

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