【Language Snacks】 第三期:Under the weather

2016年04月06日 英国大使馆文化教育处

双周Language Snacks 音频小栏目,让你的口语摆脱课本和程式化的僵硬和无趣,更接地气更加原汁原味。

本期我们看under the weather







A: Sorry I didn't make it to your party at the weekend. Did you have a nice time?

B: Yes, it was great! But everyone was asking me where you were. We all missed you.

A解释说自己没去是因为一直卧床,他感到‘under the weather’原来流感来袭,A和别人一样中招了。

A: Oh, thanks. I was in bed, I'm afraid. I was feeling under the weather.

B: Oh, did you have that cold that everyone's had?

A: I think so.




Under the weather is an extremely common expression, meaning a little ill or sick. We don't use it about serious health problems, but if you have a normal, everyday cold, headache or stomach ache, for example, you can say that you feel under the weather.

The expression comes from the days when sick sailors would rest under the ship's deck, or literally under the weather. I always remember this idiom together with another one, 'over the moon', which means very happy.

今天介绍的”under the weather”是英语里非常常用的一个说法,意思是“身体小有不适”,要是身体碰上像感冒、头疼、肚子疼这样的小毛病,你都可以说”I’m feeling under the weather”。

原来是源于水手的一个形象的说法。小编教你一个对比记忆的办法,under the weather时说身体有点小不适,而over the moon是指自己非常开心。一个under 一个over,一个不舒服一个很开心,这样记住了吧!


If you are under the weather, you are:

a) very sick

b) a little sick

c) very happy

d) a little happy

Answers: b)


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