EAL 电影学习 - The Sapphires

2017年08月28日 剑桥考试语言辅导

The movie, The Sapphires, has been watched, discussed and studied in the EAL class. I have seen many posts on the classroom walls, which look fantastic.

Unfortunately, i notice many of the students don't understand the film because of the language difficulty. Some told me they couldn't find the movie from the website. I suggested them trying YouTube,  but they were worried about the small charge. Come on, kids, just 2 bucks. I understand most people love free stuff, but this time the money is used for your study, for your future!!

What should we do usually when we study a novel, a play or a film?

First of all, read the work or watch it again and again.

Secondly, you need to find out the main characters, themes (main topics or subjects the author or the director gives, such as war, racism, family, loyalty...). More importantly, you should find evidences (quotes,ie, what main characters say) to support the themes above.

Main characters of The Sapphires

1. Dave Lovelace:

An irresponsible alcoholic talent scout. He meets the band back at their home country, Australia, where they are not accepted as part of society. 

2. Gail McCrae:

The eldest and the "Mama Bear" of the McCrae sisters/The Sapphires. She is the most protective and aggressive of the group

3. Julie McCrae:

The youngest of the McCrae sisters and the lead singer of The Sapphires. As the youngest, she is uneasy about travelling through Vietnam at a time of war.

4. Kay McCrae:

The white cousin of the McCrae sisters. Kay is the most pale of the three, and was grown up believing she was white

5. Cynthia McCrae:

The middle child, the diva and party animal of the McCrae sisters/The Sapphires, getting with guys, drinking, and screaming.

Plot Summary

The talent of four Aboriginal girs, Gail, Cynthia, Julie and Kay, is discovered by a white but kind-hearted man, Dave, in 1960s when Vietnam War broke out far from Asutralia. The Indigenous girls decide to chase their dream, love, freedom and even human rights with Dave in Vietnam entertaining the army after they are fed with discrimination in Australia. They finally succeed and become popular among the soldiers.

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