How to Prepare Yr 11 EAL Exam?

2018年11月08日 剑桥考试语言辅导


下周三 EAL开考,这次是来蒸的,全息模拟高考,共分 3 大部分:

    -听力: 2 套,各播放2次;

    -撰写文学作品分析文章:Montana 1948

    - 就 1-2 媒体文章撰写说服语言技巧文章

A. 复制下列链接,一起玩听力

YearPast Exam PapersExamination Reports
17Exam (pdf - 916.31kb)
Audio zip file (zip - 8.44mb)

B. 如何写出主体段的Topic Sentence?

首先,主题句不是 evidence or fact, 而是一个段落的灵魂,是你将要讨论的一个作品主题。它必须简明扼要、直接与题目中某个关键词有关系。例如:

            Gail Hayden provides the only role model for David. (fact)

Gail Hayden provides the only role model for David, which helps him to overcome the racist influence. (topic sentence)

Wes is loyal to the Hayden family. (fact)

Wes is loyal to the Hayden family which allows him to face a dilemma of family and law. (topic sentence)

C. 媒体文章如何开篇写Intro?


    a. 基本信息,如作者、出处、文稿类型;

    b. 作者发现的问题; 

    c. 作者对问题所持的立场 contention ;

    d. 作者是用什么语气tone来展开他\她那些的理由的?

    e. 作者使用了哪些图片?


Around the issue of using shark nets, an opinion article written by Leah Gibbs, a senior lecturer at University of Wollongong is published in the Conversation. Gibbs, in a controlled rational tone, contends that NSW should learn from State of WA to manage hazards of sharks. Besides, the author uses two images to support her opinion.

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