
2018年01月24日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中



In order to let  students be familiar with the Math Competition, on January 17, 2018,Changchun Experimental High School International Division Grade 10 & Grade 11 students held a simulation math test. The aim of the test is checking the learning outcomes of the students and get a good preparation for the formal math competition.

上午十一年级的学生来到玻璃房,班主任进行监考,下午十年级AB两个班的同学们准时来到了test room教室参加此次模拟数学竞赛。大家按照监考老师的指令填写了模拟答题卡上的参赛学生信息,随后分发了试卷。考试期间,大家都非常认真的进行了思考和计算,争取可以获得一个理想的成绩。

The students of Grade 10A&B came to test rooms on time. Firstly the students filled their personal information on the answer sheets. Then the supervisors opened the test to the students. During the contest, all students put their best efforts into analysis and calculation to achieve ideal grades.


The students  answer the question carefully,  finally  All the best wishes for them.



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