粽子节福利 (双语)你了解咩?中国南北十大最馋人的美味粽子派系?

2015年06月20日 英伦大叔

The respective types of Zongzi in North and South China


The Dragon-boat Festival, also referred to as the Zongzi (glutinous rice dumpling) Festival, has been identified as the oldest Chinese festival, and occurs on the fifth day of the lunar month. It was first celebrated in 277 BC, and it marks the death of Quyuan, who was a remarkable Chinese poet. When he died, his followers threw bamboo leaves and cooked rice into the water to tempt the fish away from his body. This later became the tradition of eating zongzi.

由于各地的饮食习惯不同,粽子形成了南北风味,所以粽子的种类也比较多。下面就请随小编一起,端午寻踪 ” 舌尖上的粽香 “吧!

Due to the respective taste preferences of people throughout the vast expanse of the whole country of China, the variety of resources and the diversity of ethnic groups, several colourful dietary cultures have formed when it comes to zongzi. The difference in eating habits between North and South China formed an important aspect of the diversity of Zongzi customs, and this is what this essay will set to examine.

1. 北京派

Beijing Faction


In North China, zongzi are comparatively bigger, with a square or triangular shape. We usually find them made of glutinous rice in the market, whilst coarser ones are the most popular in rural areas. It tastes pliable, accompanied by a light citrus fragrance, and the fillings inside are normally red dates and red bean paste, sometimes preserved fruit.

2. 广东派

Guangdong Faction


The Guangdong Zongzi is smaller and more delicate in shape, closer to a pear. The steaming methods for the dumplings are unknown, but they are made of glutinous rice and stuffed with different fillings, such as mung beans, salted egg yolk, black mushroom, peanuts, marbled pork and lotus seeds.

3. 苏州派

Suzhou faction


Zongzi in Suzhou are four-cornered in shape and include a wide range of flavours, from pork or jujube paste to fruit purée, and sometimes sliced with lard, which implies sophistication and higher quality. For instance, to prepare the purée for Zongzi sliced with lard, you should only pick well-cooked red beans, peel them and filter them after cooking, in order to achieve a shiny and lustre colour.

4. 嘉兴派

Jiaxing Faction

浙江嘉兴粽子历史悠久闻名华夏。嘉兴粽子为长方形,有鲜肉、豆沙、八宝、鸡肉粽等品种。嘉兴粽子当推 ” 五芳斋 ” 为最,素有 ” 江南粽子大王 ” 之称。它的粽子从选料、制作到烹煮都有独到之处。米要上等白糯米,肉从猪后腿精选,粽子煮熟后,肥肉的油渗入米内,入口鲜美,肥而不腻。许多海内外朋友皆因品尝过嘉兴粽子后,方知浙江嘉兴的地名。

5. 海南派

Hainan Faction


6. 山东派

Shandong Faction


7. 汨罗派

Miluo Faction


8. 闽南派

Minnan Faction

厦门、泉州的烧肉粽、碱粽皆驰名海内外。烧肉粽精工巧作,糯米必选上乘,猪肉择三层块头,先卤得又香又烂,再加上香菇、虾米、莲子及卤肉汤、白糖等,吃时蘸调蒜泥、芥辣、红辣酱、萝卜酸等多样佐料,香甜嫩滑,油润不腻。闽南话 ” 热 ” 与 ” 烧 ” 同含义,所谓 ” 烧肉粽 “,就是要趁热而食的粽子,热食则更有风味。

9. 台湾派

Taiwan Faction

带有浓厚的闽南风味,品种甚多,有白米粽、绿豆粽、叉烧粽、八宝粽、烧肉粽。烧肉粽最为流行,它的 ” 内容 ” 丰富多彩,包括有猪肉、干贝、芋头、蛤干、鸭蛋等,成了终年可见的传统小吃。新竹的 ” 成家肉粽 “、彰化的 ” 肉粽 ” 和台南的 ” 再发号肉粽 ” 都很有名气。八宝粽也是代表品种,它选料多样,将猪腿肉、肥膘、栗子 ( 或花生仁 ) 、萝卜干、鱿鱼分别切成丁,锅烧热,先下洋葱末,再加上以上配料及酒、酱油、麻油炒匀,与糯米拌匀后,裹扎蒸熟,香味浓郁。著名歌星邓丽君以一首台语 ” 烧肉粽 ” 的歌曲而大受欢迎,由此可见台湾粽子在台湾饮食文化的地位。

10. 西安派

Xian Faction

蜂蜜凉粽子始于唐代,是由唐韦巨源宴请中宗皇帝的 ” 烧尾宴 ” 上的 ” 赐绯含香粽 ” 演化而来的,注释是 ” 蜜淋 “,意思是给粽子淋上蜂蜜。在凉粽子上淋上蜂蜜,是一种理想的夏令食品。具有凉甜芳香、沁人肺腑的特点。主要原料是糯米、蜂蜜。

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by Austin /英文

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