
2016年08月15日 剑桥考试语言辅导




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剑桥雅思 传播考试真理

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IELTS asks for a description of flower\plant you like most.


遇到上述题问,你还没有张口说,考官“何其烦”的表情包早已解压,心想:玫瑰花又来啦。并在你之前,他\她已经引‘’无数英雄竞折腰‘’(主席诗词), 就是因为他们异口同声说蔫的玫瑰。所以,我们要有特立独行的意识和准备,说别人不说的,使考官产生清新感,让分数朝着顶楼走。


A model response – rosemary 迷迭香


This question makes me think of rosemary, a popular plant among housewives. It’s sort of bush, and doesn’t need too much water. So it’s suitable to grow in dry areas like Melbourne. In fact, too much water will damage the plant.


Its leaves grow closely together, and are long and thin, like small needles. The pointed leaves are dark green on the top and silver-white on the bottom. Like many plants, rosemary also produces beautiful tiny pale blue or purple flowers.


Apart from its contribution to our gardens, rosemary plays an important role in homemade medicine. For example, it can be used to treat headache as well as sleep problem. People who suffer from
insomnia can fill up their pillows with dried flowers of rosemary. Besides, cosmetics industry increasingly uses its fragrance to soap and other products.

So this is my favourite plant I know about.



lavender薰衣草, lily百合, daisy雏菊, tulip郁金香, carnation康乃馨, chrysanthemum菊花, peony牡丹, sunflower向日葵




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