League of Legends之英雄台词分类

2017年02月27日 环球雅思墨尔本分校










暗夜猎手薇恩木已成舟。"What is done cannot be undone."

疾风剑豪亚索:长路漫漫,唯剑作伴。"A sword's poor company for a long road."

影流之主劫:无形之刃,最为致命。"The unseen blade is the deadliest."

疾风剑豪亚索:死亡如风,常伴吾身。"Death is like the wind; always by my side."

德邦总管赵信:陷阵之志,有死无生。"Press the assault!"

无极剑圣易:我的剑,就是你的剑!"My blade is yours."

影流之主劫:传统,是智慧的糟粕。"Tradition is the corpse of wisdom."

暗影之拳阿卡丽:荣耀剑下取,均衡乱中求。Honor is the blade's edge, as balance dictates.

疾风剑豪亚索:荣耀存于心,而非流于形。"Honor is in the heart, not the name."

德邦总管赵信:一点寒芒先到,随后枪出如龙。Here’s a tip…and a spear behind it.

疾风剑豪亚索:且随疾风前行,身后亦许留心。"Follow the wind, but watch your back."

德玛西亚皇子嘉文四世:视死如归,就在今日!"Today is a good day to die!"

沙漠死神内瑟斯:生与死轮回不止,我们生,他们死!"The cycle of life and death continues. We willlive, they will die."

圣枪游侠卢锡安:人终有一死,而有些人则需要一点小小的帮助。"Everbody dies, Smoe one just need a little help."

金属大师莫德凯撒:福无双至,祸不单行。"Misery loves company."


德玛西亚之力盖伦:别把脏血溅到我光鲜的铠甲上!"Don't bleed on my shiny armor!"

探险家伊泽瑞尔:全凭技术!"It's all skill!"

德玛西亚皇子嘉文四世:战斗之心,至死方休!"We shall rest when we are dead!"

德玛西亚之力盖伦:我将带头冲锋!"Forge onward!"


海洋之灾普朗克:有种轰趴我!"Well, blow me down!"

不祥之刃卡特琳娜:暴力,可以解决一切!"Violence solves everything!"

诺克萨斯之手德莱厄斯:他们将会后悔与我为敌。"They will regret opposing me."

蛮族之王泰达米尔:现在他们可以死了!"Now they die!"




诺克萨斯之手德莱厄斯:见识下真正的力量吧!"Witness true strength."

蛮族之王泰达米尔:你是没有机会赢我的。"You never stood a chance."

龙血武姬希瓦娜:在巨龙之力下颤抖吧!"Tremble before the power of a dragon." 

暗夜猎手薇恩:想攻击我?先试试和我的影子玩拳击吧。"Want to attack me, try and shadow play boxing."

疾风剑豪亚索:无极,呵呵,从未听说过。"Wuju? Hmph. Never heard of it."

德邦总管赵信:即使敌众我寡,末将仍能在万军之中取敌将首级!"I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds canstand against me."

暗夜猎手薇恩:让我们来猎杀那些陷入黑暗中的人吧!"Let's kill the dark ones."

武器大师贾克斯:一个能打的都没有!"Who wants a piece of the champ?"

死亡颂唱者卡尔萨斯:他们的痛苦,就是我的快乐!"Their pain is my pleasure!"

影流之主劫:吾所成之事,不可逆也。"WhatI have done... cannot be undone." 

狂战士奥拉夫:我的大刀早已饥渴难耐了!"My axe is thirsty."

德玛西亚皇子嘉文四世:别带着本将军闲逛!"Find me greater foes!"

不祥之刃卡特琳娜:拜托了,让我海扁你们一顿吧。"Please, make me hurt you!"


风暴之怒迦娜:只要998,就能让你爽到不能呼吸。"Yes, it's true. For only 2.95 a minute, I'llleave you breathless."

迅捷斥候提莫:提莫队长正在待(送)命~"Captain Teemo on duty!"

麦林炮手崔丝塔娜:我好想射点儿什么~"I wanna shoot something! "


"Up and down around about BABA ha ha ha haha ha ha I have 30 lives."

虚空恐惧科加斯:你的嗓音就是世界的祸害!"Your voices are scourge upon the world"

海洋之灾普朗克:吓老子一跳!"Shiver me timbers!"

金属大师莫德凯撒:只用点一下就可以了,蠢货。"You only need to click once, fool!"

探险家伊泽瑞尔:谁还需要地图么?"Who needs a map?"

暴走萝莉金克丝:规则是用来打破的!"Rules are made to be broken... like buildings! Or people..."

狂野女猎手奈德丽:我有提到现在是繁殖季节吗?"Did I mention it's mating season?"

寒冰射手艾希:你要来一发么?"You want some of this?"

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