
2014年09月29日 西南美国商会

中国西南美国商会将于2015年1月8日(周四)晚举行2014年终大会暨新春晚宴。莅临来宾包括中国西南地区500强公司的总经理、跨国公司CEO、西南区域商业领袖、名流政要、主流媒体、各大领事馆官员们 以及西南美商会美资企业代表齐聚一堂。

Amcham Southwest Annual General Meeting and New Year Celebration will be held on January 8th, Thursday evening, 2015 . There are currently over 200 confirmed attendees including representatives from the top companies operating in Southwest China, CEOs from Fortune 500 companies, major media and officers of foreign Consulates in Chengdu.

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