研究生留学案例 ▏出色的文书让宾夕法尼亚大学向他抛出橄榄枝(附PS范例)

2016年01月07日 美国留学






录取学校:University of Pennsylvania









Out of the many possible career paths, I have chosen to become an English teacher. It was not an impulsive decision, rather one that I made after careful consideration and battling voices of objection. However, I realized from my practical experience that the ability to speak English does not make one a good English teacher. Theoretical guidance is indispensable, that is why I am applying to the TESOL program.

Languages have always been my fascination when I was growing up. After starting to learn English in school, it immediately became my favorite subject and my pride. I never considered studying English as a burden, rather looked forward to each class. At school, I won all kinds of English speech competitions and writing contests. I always thought I would grow up to become a translator or literature professor. The thought of becoming an English teacher never came to my mind until I met Miss Yang, our English teacher in senior one. She was the “idol” of all the students for her fluent spoken English, her logical organization of the class and willingness to communicate with us. English class was always the highlight of my day then and I looked forward to talking with Miss Yang every chance I got. I dreamed of someday becoming someone like her in the future.

Because of this dream, I applied to the major of English without any hesitation in my College Entrance Examination. The first two years of my academic studies were focused on sharpening my basic skills of listening, writing, reading and speaking in English. They provided me with confidence in my command of English. Starting in my junior years, we delved into the different branches of our major, Literature, Linguistics and English Education. I enjoyed all the courses from the different aspects, but what interested me most was Linguistics, especially theories related to second language acquisition. I never knew there were so many dimensions of science related to understand how a human being learns a second language and the different factors that could influence this process. Besides the assigned readings, I went beyond to read much linguistic research related to the area of language acquisition. The more I read, the more I started to wonder about the application of these theories in reality. It seemed the research in this field directly influenced the teaching of English in schools. However, there were also discrepancies in the way English is taught in China with the most advanced research results.

In order to find out more about the reality of English teaching, when I was asked to choose from three internship arrangements by my university, I chose to become an English teacher in The Middle School Attached to Ocean University of China instead of the much coveted internship opportunity of working as an interpreter in an international trading company. In the beginning I served as an assistant to an English teacher and got the opportunities to observe her class. What I observed was very different from what I expected. Her class mainly focused on grammatical drills and vocabulary exercises, there were little listening or speaking components in her class. However, the students never complained because they knew that this style of teaching could help them get high scores in the college entrance examination, which is highly competitive. I wondered if this style of teaching could really get students interested in learning English. After talking to some students, they all said that they did not feel that they could communicate in English, but they were glad that they could pass tests. I started to ask myself the question if a communicative style of teaching were used and students learned to communicate in English, wouldn’t they still be able to pass the tests? After presenting my ideas to the teacher, she thought it was pretty interesting but said it was too risky and nobody would support this. Not ready to give up, I decided to conduct a research of the Different Learning Styles of English among High School Students. Quickly assembling a team, we collected data to analyze the relationship between the students’ personalities, learning motivations and learning styles to their command of English. The result revealed many interesting food for thought, of which I took special attention to the role affective factors play in contributing to the learner’s acquisition. The teacher plays an essential part in the learning process and students look forward to communicating with the teacher preferably using the target language. Through this internship and the research experience, I was more and more intrigued to learn more about the teaching of English and its related scientific research, that’s why I have made up my mind to continue further studies in the field of TESOL which is all about applying the latest linguistic research into the teaching of English in the classroom.

When I got tired in my study or research, I liked to use music to relax. Being a good piano player, music has accompanied me when I was growing up. In order to find likeminded friends to share my hobby, I joined the department of entertainment in the Student Union of my university. My first big responsibility was to organize a singing contest for the freshmen in 2008. There were many details involved in this event and it challenged my leadership skills in many ways. But in the end it was a very rewarding experience as I learned to listen to others, to delegate and to deal with emergencies with calmness.

After a colorful and fulfilling life in university, I am ready to move up. With a very clear mission in my mind, I do not want to waste another minute.





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