
2016年01月09日 启德加拿大

说起颜色,一般人能把常见的七种颜色(red, blue, orange, yellow, green, purple, pink)说出来就已经对得起英语老师和常常无辜中抢的体育老师了。但是颜色之多颜色之美,远远不只七种!





A. 颜色明亮度


  • 明亮的

明亮,同学们下意识地会想到Bright(bright colors are strong but not dark)这个词,不过英语中的明亮真的可以让人闪瞎哦~!

[强化版]Vivid: a vivid color is strong and bright

[抢镜版]Bold: very bright, clear, or strong in color and therefore easy tonotice

[升级版]Flamboyant: brightly colored or decorated

[喜爱版]Gaily: with bright attractive colors

[喜爱版2]Showy: brightly colored and attractive

[没品版]Loud: very bright in a way that does not show good taste

[嫌弃版]Brash: big, bright, or colorful in a way that is not attractive

[嫌弃版2]Harsh: harsh colors or lights are not pleasant because they arevery bright

[暖色版]Flaming: brightly colored red, orange, or yellow

[暖色版2]Glowing: glowing colors are bright and look warm

[暖色文艺版]Fiery: [literary] very bright in color, especially bright red,orange, or yellow

[反光版]Fluorescent: a fluorescent color is very bright and seems toreflect light

[文艺版]ablaze [literary] bright and full of light or color

[口头版]Splashy: [American] [informal] brightly colored

[口头喜爱版]Jazzy: [informal] bright, colorful, and attractive

[不忍直视版]Violent: a violent color is very bright and almost painful to lookat

[个性版]Psychedelic: psychedelic clothes, designs, etc. are very brightlycolored and have big unusual patterns

  • 暗沉的

暗沉,同学们下意识地会想到dark(strong and not pale in color)这个词,不过英语中的暗沉真的可以让人不见天日哦~!

[强化版]Deep: a deep color is dark and strong

[单调版]monochrome: able to show or produce only black, white, and grey

[更单调版]Somber: dark in color, especially grey or black

[灰暗版]Dusty: used for describing a color that is not bright because ithas some gray in it

B. 颜色的深浅度


  • 浅的

浅的,同学们下意识地会想到light (pale in color, not dark)这个词,不过英语中的浅却没有那么肤浅无趣哦~!(画外音:老师你这个梗要玩多久?)

[升级版]Pale: something that is pale is a lighter type of color than usual

[暖色版]Mellow: soft and warm in color

[柔情版]Soft:a soft light or color is pale, gentle and pleasant to look at

[喜爱版]Delicate: a delicate taste, smell, or color is pleasant and not toostrong

[嫌弃版]Sickly: a sickly color is so pale that is looks unpleasant

[平淡版]Sober: plain and not brightly colored

[状态不好版]Muted: not as bright or colorful as usual

[通透版]Translucent: a translucent color is very pale or light

[软妹版]Pastel: having a pale soft color

[清新版]Clean: clean smells, tastes, and colors are light and fresh

[被迫版]Bleached: made very pale by chemicals or strong sunlight

[衣服版]washed-out: washed-out clothes have lost a lot of their color because they have been washed so often pale, or not strong

  • 适中的

适中,同学们下意识地会想到medium (neither light nor dark in color)这个词,不过英语中的适中却没有那么中规中矩哦~!

[低调版]Restrained: not too bright in color, or not decorated too much

[中立版]Neutral: neutral colors are not very strong or bright

C. 颜色的多样变化


  • 多彩的

多彩的,同学们下意识地会想到Colorful(something that is colorful has bright colors or a lot of different colors)这个词,不过英语中的多彩真的丰富多彩哦~!

[明亮版]Vibrant: brightand colorful

[明亮喜庆版]Festive: bright and colorful in a way that makes you think of acelebration

[嫌弃版]Chintzy: too colorful and in poor taste

[喜爱版]Rich: a rich color, sound, or smell is strong in a pleasant way

[交错版]Dappled: covered with or forming areas of lighter and darker coloror light and shadow

[词组版]a riot of something: a lot of different bright colors together

  • 变化的


[微小版]Opalescent: something that is opalescent seems always to bechanging color slightly

[老旧版]Discolored: something that is discolored has changed in color andno longer looks new, clean, or healthy

[坚固版]Fast: colors that are fast will not become paler when clothes arewashed

[光亮版]Iridescent: showing changing colors in different types of light

[组合版]multicolored: consisting of many different colors

  • 单一的

[同调版]Monotone: a monotone color is all the same shade of that color

[匹配版]matching: with the same color, pattern, or design

[糅合版]tinted: containing a small amount of a particular color

[双色版]two-tone: [informal] [old-fashioned] two-tone shoes or clothes havetwo colors





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