
2015年04月15日 英国大使馆文化教育处

The best food for the brain is sleep, so you’ll need a lot of sleep during exam times. When you’re tired you will find it difficult to concentrate and learn.


So, how much sleep do you need? Well, when you’ve had the right amount of sleep you don’t feel tired, not too much and not too little. Most teenagers need between 8 and 9 hours sleep a night.


Try and get good quality sleep. So, don’t sleep with your books all over your bed or with lights, music or the computer on. For the best sleep, make sure your room is quiet, comfortable and dark.


If you stay up late studying and don’t get enough sleep, you may need a‘power nap’ in the afternoon. A short sleep of 30 minutes may give you some energy before you start revising, but keep it short – you don’t want to spend all afternoon in bed!


Tips to help yousleep
• Have a regular bed time. Try to go to bed at the same time every night, if possible 8 or 9 hours before you have to wake up.

• Do plenty of exercise. Don’t do exercise just before bedtime, but regular exercise earlier in the day can help your body sleep at night.

• Don’t drink caffeine (colas, tea or coffee) in the afternoons and evenings. Drink water, fruit juices or herbal teas.

• Have a milky drink just before bedtime.

• Relax before you go to bed. When you have finished studying, read a book, listen to music, watch TV or have a bath to help you relax.

• Turn off lights, your computer, mobile and any other electrical devices in your room.

• When you wake up, open the curtains to get lots of natural light in your room. This will help you feel more awake in the morning.




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