【音频杂志】The pioneers of cooperation合作社先锋,英语学习遇到难题加入Colin英语问答

2014年08月20日 英国大使馆文化教育处

The idea of the co-operative is one of the greatest British inventions. To be more exact, it all began with a small shop in Toad Lane, Rochdale in Lancashire.


At the time of the “Rochdale pioneers” (the 1840’s) there were a number of suggestions as to how the lives of ordinary people could be improved:


Teetotalism: One simple answer was that their problems all came from drinking alcohol. All they had to do was stop drinking and keep the money for their families.


Chartism: Another opinion was the argument for democracy. The supporters of this view said that when everybody had the vote, the laws that kept poor people poor while the rich got richer would be changed.


Cooperation: the opinion that won… to work with the laws as they were and the very little money that they had.





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