讲故事、忆英雄,在比赛中培养英雄情怀---The Story of Hero

2016年04月25日 加拿大国际教育集团


On the afternoon of March 29th, the “My hero” story competition held by Nancun Education Guidance center was started. Yu Bingran from CLS’ Gr. 5A won the Third Place Prize in this competition with her hero story.

图为Julaine校长为G5A Icy同学颁发2016年南村镇“我心中的英雄”故事比赛三等奖奖状



Nancun is a town with deep historical roots. There are many hero stories among its people. In this competition, students knew many heroes like Wei Guoyao and Liang Tie. They like their stories very much.

这个时代需要英雄 有英雄故事我就讲出来,传递正义。同学们在讲故事中、听故事中认识了南村的英雄、了解了发生在我们身边的那一段刻骨铭心的历史,懂得了今天幸福生活来之不易,努力学习,报效祖国。

After the contest, students were better acquainted with the heroes of Nancun, learned history and gained an understanding that achieving happiness, today, is not easy. They will study hard, try harder and learn more.

撰稿:陈梓晴 Sunny




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