
2016年05月16日 美国驻华大使馆

在位于南达科他州卡斯特市郊外仅24公里处,坐落着全美最大的州立公园之一——卡斯特州立公园(Custer State Park)。它地处该州西南地区的黑丘岭(Black Hills),占地28730公顷,拥有令人赞叹的景色和野生动物。

这里的野生动物从雄美的骡鹿到寻常的白尾鹿可谓多种多样,但最引人注目的还要数美洲野牛(American bison),又称北美野牛(Buffalo)。






Just 24 kilometers outside of Custer, South Dakota, rests one of the largest state parks in the United States. Custer State Park, nestled within the Black Hills of the state’s southwestern region, comprises 28,730 hectares of breathtaking scenery and wildlife.

Although that wildlife includes game ranging from the majestic mule deer to the common white-tailed deer, the animal that garners the most attention is the American bison, also known as "buffalo."

Once on the brink of extinction, some 1,300 bison now live in Custer State Park. The herd, one of the largest in the United States, freely roams the park, often stopping traffic and wowing spectators.

Bison can weigh as much as 1,000 kilograms, despite their diet of grass and shrubbery. Their shaggy brown fur and large heads serve as their most distinguishing features.

Historically, bison played an essential role in South Dakota, particularly for the Lakota people, who relied on these animals for food, clothing and shelter.

Find out more about South Dakota at DiscoverAmerica.com.

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