Opening Ceremony of Nan Hu Kindergarten 白云区加拿达中英文幼儿园开学典礼

2015年09月07日 加拿大国际教育集团

All the kids in Canadian International Nan Hu kindergarten came back to school on September 1st. We saw so many happy faces as the children walked into the school and got ballons from the clown. They remembered to give big hugs to their teachers.


With the National Anthem, we had the ceremony of raising the flag. We also had some little flag raisers from a big class. The atmosphere was full of seriousness. With the spirit of hope in their eyes, the kids seem to know how to respect our history and our country.


The principal Allen made a speech for the kids and teachers, and he said words of demand and hope. He wished us the best for the new term. The foreign manager Eillot had the kids sang a song. The Chinese teacher Heily also made a speech for the kids. All the teachers in our Kindergarten were full of enthusiasm for the new term.

园长尚启春Allen,做了开学典礼致辞,对宝贝们的学习和生活提出了新学期的希望和祝福;外教主管Eillot ,带着对宝贝们的成长期盼与大家进行了新学期的歌曲互动;中二班黄育慧Heily老师作为老师代表为宝贝们送上祝福。

Then we saw a clown performed a magic show. He was funny and magical. He made things disappear and reappear. We heard laughter everywhere and everyone had on happy faces.

在充满幸福的祝福声中,小丑哥哥风趣、幽默的表演带来 一阵阵的欢笑,宝贝们的脸上洋溢着欢乐的笑容,爽朗而天真的笑声回荡在幼儿园中……

The part of DIY is full of happiness with eating the fruit salad and the cake made by themselves, bringing the hope into their growing childhood. May all the kids live happily with all the teachers' best wishes in Canadian International Nan Hu kindergarten.


小丑哥哥用各种可爱动物造型的气球来欢迎小朋友们回到幼儿园大家庭 神气的小小仪仗队在Kiki老师的带领下护着国旗入场

园长Allen,外教主管Eillot ,黄育慧Heily老师,带着对宝贝们的成长期盼,提出了新学期的希望和祝福


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