
2017年06月12日 美国驻华大使馆


本周我们将看看几位美国著名的动画师和漫画插画师。美国漫画作家、编辑、出版商、媒体制作人、演员和漫威漫画公司前总裁和主席史丹·李(原名Stanley Martin Lieber)在开发超脱理想原型的超级英雄中发挥了巨大的作用。李出生于纽约一家贫穷的罗马尼亚裔犹太移民家庭。他的首部漫画书是1941年出版的“美国队长挫败叛徒的复仇”,以“史丹·李”的笔名署名。在二十世纪五十年代,李听从妻子的建议,用他书中的角色做试验。他为他的那些超级英雄角色引入有缺陷的人性和复杂的性格以吸引更多新读者。多年来,李和杰克·科比(Jack Kirby)创造了神奇四侠,绿巨人,雷神,钢铁侠,X战警,奇异博士和蜘蛛侠 —— 一个充满人物角色的宇宙,其中许多角色组成了“复仇者”。李的超级英雄们娱乐了我们,让我们想到我们自己,并挑战我们做得更好。哪位漫威超级英雄是你最喜欢的,为什么?要了解更多关于史丹·李的信息,请访问(英文):www.imdb.com/name/nm0498278/ 

#AmericanAnimation&Comics –  Famous Illustrator: Stan Lee & Marvel Comics [Erik]

This week we are looking at a few of the America’s famous animators and comic illustrators.  American comic-book writer, editor, publisher, media producer, actor and former president and chairman of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee (born Stanley Martin Lieber), has played a tremendous role in developing superheroes that depart from the ideal archetypes.  Lee was born to a family of poor Romanian-born Jewish immigrants in New York.  His first comic-book debut was “Captain America Foils the Traitor’s Revenge” in 1941 under the pen name “Stan Lee.”  In the 1950s Lee followed the advice of his wife to experiment with his characters. He introduced flawed humanity and complex natures to his superheroes to attract new readers.  Over the years, Lee and Jack Kirby created the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, X-Men, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man – a universe of characters, many of whom form the Avengers.   Lee’s superheroes entertain us and remind us of ourselves, but also challenge us to be better.  Which Marvel superhero is your favorite and why?  To learn more about Stan Lee visit (eng): www.imdb.com/name/nm0498278/ 

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